Monday, May 18, 2020

Magazines And Its Influence On Society - 947 Words

Magazines have evolved over time in the mass medium industry. Magazines have also provided various avenues in which people can communicate through articles and advertisements. More importantly, magazines played a key role in America before newspapers came about. However, it wasn’t until the early colonial period in which enlightened thinkers such as: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine all conveyed their views on politics. Magazines during this time served as a voice of reasoning to the educated and middle class. Moreover, it wasn’t until the 1800s until magazines evolved into special interest magazines which showcased great writers, artists, musicians, and other professionals. Some of those people were: Waldo, Wadsworth, and Holmes. During this time magazines appealed more to the localization of people and issues. Nevertheless, magazines are still growing rapid today and has revolutionized through technologies and general interest. Some dominant economic traits today in the magazine industry are the appeal to different and various audiences. Also, some other traits are the Money-in factors which contribute to magazine sales. Today you can find a magazine that fits your interest since the decline of general-interest publications. However, there are specialized magazines such as: Men’s and Women’s magazines, Entertainment/Sports, Age Specific, Elite, Minority, and Trade magazines. The magazines speak to a specific audience and hobby. Also, a big money-in factorShow MoreRelatedEssay about Teen Magazines Negative Influence on the Teenage Society1063 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"hottest† teen magazines on the market; Allure, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, and Teen Vogue are a few at the top. 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