Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Peter Brook Essays

Diminish Brook Essays Diminish Brook Paper Diminish Brook Paper How would you feel that Peter Brook has utilized the thoughts/procedures of the specialists point by point in Mitters study? If it's not too much trouble allude to Brooks own works, especially The Shifting Point, in responding to this inquiry. Diminish Brook is one of the universes most well known chiefs and has much top to bottom information and experience of the theater. Creek is a key figure in current theater, expanding on the developments of prior specialists and proceeding with that remarkably twentieth century organization, the executives theater. (Halfyard, 2000:maxopus. com/articles/8songs_m. htm) Creek is known as the main executive of his age (Peter Hall) and he guarantees he can take any void space and consider it an exposed stage, yet where did he get his motivation? Who are his persuasions? In this article, I am going to attempt to discover any likenesses between Brooks theater methods and those of Konstantin Stanislavsky, Bertolt Brecht and Jerzy Grotowski. I am searching for on the off chance that he has more inclination towards one of these chiefs or utilizations a blend of every one of their practice techniques with his on-screen characters. Shomit Mitters study, Systems of Rehearsal, takes a gander at the procedure of practice as per Brook, connecting his practice methods with those made by Stanislavsky, Grotowski and Brecht. In Mitters presentation from the outset, I felt a feeling of analysis towards Brook; Brook appeared to me more a copy than a designer (Mitter, 1992:30) and he makes reference to the degree of Brooks obligation to every one of the above chiefs. Despite the fact that in the last piece of Mitters presentation, he proceeds to state that it is uncommon how Brook indicated such a similarity with such totally various executives: I started to feel that his capacity to retain the impact of boundlessly different performance centers must be viewed as an accomplishment. (Mitter, 1992:4) In Brooks study The Shifting Point, thinking back on his vocation in theater, he talks about a misconception that exists in theater which is the presumption that dramatic procedure falls into two phases; the primary: making, and the second: selling. Stream at that point shows conflict with Stanislavsky: Indeed, even in the title of Stanislavskys incredible work Building a Character, this misconception continues, suggesting that a character can be developed like a divider, until one day the last block is laid and the character is finished. To my psyche, it is the exact inverse. I would state that the procedure comprises not of two phases yet of two stages. First: readiness. Second: birth. This is altogether different. (Stream, 1987:7) In one of the not many references to Stanislavsky in Brooks book The Empty Space, Brook portrays this equivalent subject quickly, clarifying that a character isnt a static thing and it cannot be constructed like a divider. (Creek, 1968:114) This accentuation on how he needs to shape his on-screen characters, demonstrate that he needs his entertainers to be continually picking up, experiencing new ways to deal with acting and encountering distinctive functional activities inside the practice procedure. Creek doesn't allude to Stanislavsky as frequently as I expected in both The Shifting Point and The Empty Space, though Mitters first section in quite a while book shows enormous examination among Stanislavsky and Brook. Like Stanislavsky, Brook accepts that the whole corpus of unbiasedly accessible material on the character is inadequate. The on-screen characters need an unquestionably progressively point by point image of the world in which their characters live. (Mitter, 1992:28) This strategy Stanislavsky utilized comprised of scrutinizing every on-screen character and getting some information about their characters lives; the data that was not written in the content. The entertainers, for instance, were asked to answer inquiries about their individual characters relatives, the characters calling and where they lived. The inquiries were made to give an individual view into the character, thinking how they thought and perceiving the profundity of the character. So as to be, the on-screen character must feel, and so as to feel, the entertainer must move from the self to the play by means of the brain. (Mitter,1992:11) Stanislavsky had acknowledged how set-structure could play in making feeling. Stream additionally utilizes the set to help make feeling; Instead of holding fast four-square they will presently run here and there stepping stools The life of these trades is, at the last, not to originate from the on-screen characters words however from their activities. Musicality and drive, unfound in the lines, will be found in the stepping stools. (Mitter,1992:38, from The Making of A Midsummer Nights Dream) This implied while the entertainers were truly scaling and down the stepping stools, it was influencing the pace and the effect of the lines expressed; bringing about what Brook required from the beginning. He had discovered a way, physiologically as opposed to mentally, to create what he required from the on-screen characters. One would note Brooks rehashed request that he doesnt need things acted. Resounding decisively Grotowskis guarantee that acting is surrendered in his theater. (Mitter, 1992:108) Here, Mitter is portraying a closeness Brook needs to Jerzy Grotowski; how both their optimal theater exhibitions are consistent with life. Creek asked his entertainers not to perform, not to portray and do a development as an ordinary individual would without overstating. The on-screen characters arent acting, they are being. (Mitter,1992:109, from Peter Brook: A Theatrical Casebook, 1988) Brooks relationship with these thoughts returns in The Shifting Point: A genuine individual is somebody who is open in all pieces of himself, an individual who has created himself to where he can open himself totally with his body, with his insight, with his sentiments, so none of these channels are blocked.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

AlfredMarshall free essay sample

Flexibly and Demand Simulation ECO/365 March 10, 2014 Ed Hartmann, D. B. A Supply and Demand Simulation Microeconomics and Macroeconomics In the recreation the flexibly and request was influenced because of the diminishing of the lease so as to bring down the opportunity rate and increment the income for the rental organization. This is thought of as a transitory fix on a month to month rent premise and furnishes us with a genuine case of what microeconomics is. At the point when another organization chose to move into town and increment the populace just as increment the quantity of occupations gives us another genuine case of microeconomics. Since the populace expanded and the occupations expanded methods the rental rates are expanded too so as to react to the expansion popular. The reenactment additionally demonstrated that individuals who were working in Atlantis were living in urban areas outside of town in light of the fact that the lease was less there, this is a case of macroeconomics. We will compose a custom paper test on AlfredMarshall or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The administration chose to assume responsibility for the circumstance by putting a roof of $1550 every month for a 2 room loft all together for white collar class families to have the option to bear to live inside the city that they work in which is another case of macroeconomics. Due to the roof being put on the investment properties it made the rental organization just lease a segment of their condos with the goal that they would have the option to make a type of benefit in view of the expense of support. Move of Supply and Demand Curve The reproduction gave us that when the new organization moved into town expanding the populace the flexibly bend moved down in light of the fact that the gracefully of the two-room condos wound up diminishing. Since the populace developed inside the town the interest bend expanded. Examining the Shift At the point when the expansion popular happens this implies the amount request is bigger than the amount provided from the underlying balance, which likewise implies that there is an impermanent deficiency in the market. At the point when the organization expanded the rental rate because of the interest expanding, the amount request diminished and the amount provided expanded, in kind there was a decrease lack that happened. The organization should keep on making changes until the harmony is fulfilled between the new need bend and the underlying flexibly bend. At the point when the organization arrived at another balance, the rental rate was higher than it was previously, and subsequently the quantity of lofts that were requested and provided were expanded (University of Phoenix, 2003). Applying What We Learned In Our Workplace Supply and request in my working environment depends on our clients and what they require. Perhaps the greatest client is the legislature fundamentally the military. For our organization when our nation isn't at war or securing another nation then the interest for our item is low. The interest for our items helps different territories, for example, law requirement yet the administration holds the majority of the interest of item. At the point when the interest is low our organization should decrease our headcount so as to keep steady over the game. End In microeconomics the gracefully and request depends on both the contenders and the expense. At the point where the offering is done is alluded to as the balance. Macroeconomics gave us that when the employments and populace were expanded the expansion or lessening on the lofts happens. The balance is higher than it was previously and accordingly the quantity of lofts that were requested and provided expanded also. The value flexibility of interest influences a consumer’s buying and the firm’s evaluating system when the costs for condos were lower and the interest was higher. As a result of this the costs were expanded because of the interest of condos required. In any case, in light of the fact that the costs of the lofts expanded the interest for condos diminished or remained the equivalent over a brief timeframe. I can't help thinking that gracefully and request is similar to managing the financial exchange. At the point when the interest is incredible you increment the costs to make huge benefits, anyway when the interest is brought than the costs decline down to ensure that the organization will come out at any rate even at long last. References University of Phoenix. (2003). Applying Supply and Demand Simulation [Multimedia]. Recovered from University of Phoenix, eco365 site. College of Phoenix. (2003). Applying Supply and Demand Simulation [Multimedia]. Recovered from University of Phoenix, eco365 site.

An Outline of Analytical Psychology Essay

Explanatory Psychology is the school of profundity brain science dependent on the disclosures and ideas of Carl Gustav Jung. Jung gave the broadest and most exhaustive perspective on the human mind yet accessible. His works incorporate a completely evolved hypothesis of the structure and elements of the mind in the two its cognizant and oblivious perspectives, a point by point hypothesis of character types and, generally significant, a full depiction of the widespread, early stage pictures getting from the most profound layers of the oblivious mind. These early stage pictures are called prime examples of the aggregate oblivious. The last disclosure has empowered Jung to portray striking equals between the oblivious pictures created by people in dream and vision and the general themes found in the religions and legends all things considered. The idea of the aggregate oblivious gives systematic brain science an additional measurement in examination with different schools of psychotherapy. It takes the hypothesis and practice of psychotherapy out of the selective domain of psychopathology and relates it to the entire history of the development of the human mind in the entirety of its social appearances. See more: plot design for exposition The act of logical brain science along these lines becomes a treatment for despondency as well as a strategy for mental improvement relevant to ordinary and prevalent people. A theoretical, hypothetical introduction is strange to Jung who consistently endeavored to connect with the reaction of the entire man, not simply the acumen. This introduction should therefore be perceived as close to a two-dimensional sketch of a three-dimensional reality. Drive: The clairvoyant vitality that coordinates and inspires the character is called moxie. Intrigue, consideration and drive are on the whole articulations of charisma. The drive put resources into a given thing is shown by how profoundly it is esteemed. Charisma can be changed or uprooted yet not demolished. In the event that the drive connected to one article vanishes, it returns somewhere else. Moxie is the dynamism of the existence procedure showed in the mystic circle. The hypothesis of drive is firmly associated with the law of contrary energies. The procedures of the mind rely upon a strain and transaction between inverse shafts. On the off chance that one side of a couple of alternate extremes turns out to be unreasonably overwhelming in the character, it is probably going to transform into its opposite. This is called enantiodromia. An uneven cognizant mentality constellates its inverse in the oblivious. See Jung’s paper â€Å"On Psychic Energy† (1). Mental Types: Analytical brain science recognizes a few mental sorts. These allude to intrinsic contrasts in personality which cause people to see and respond to life in various designs. There are two demeanor types, the extravert and the thoughtful person. The extravert is portrayed by an inborn propensity for the moxie to stream outwards, associating the person with the outer world. The extravert normally and immediately gives most noteworthy intrigue and incentive to the article †individuals, things, outer achievements, and so forth. The person will be generally agreeable and fruitful when working in the outside world and human connections, and will be anxious and jittery when alone without redirection. Having little connection to the internal universe of subjectivity, the extravert will evade it and will in general deteriorate emotional worries as sullen or narrow minded. The contemplative person is described by an inclination for the charisma to stream inwards interfacing the person in question with the abstract, internal universe of thought, dreams and emotions. Most noteworthy intrigue and worth is given to the subject †the inward responses and pictures. The thoughtful person will work most acceptably when liberated from strain to adjust to outside conditions. The person in question lean towards their own organization and is held or awkward in enormous gatherings. Both thoughtful person and extravert have the imperfections of their qualities and each will in general underestimate the other. To the extravert, the contemplative person seems egotistical and retaining of himself. To the thoughtful person, the extravert seems shallow, entrepreneurial and tricky. Each individual has the two propensities, yet one is generally more evolved than the other. As a couple of contrary energies they keep the law of alternate extremes. Along these lines, an over the top, uneven accentuation on one disposition is probably going to prompt the development of its inverse. The inverse, in any case, since it is lacking and undifferentiated, will show up in a negative, unrefined and unadapted structure. Hence the extraordinary extravert will turn into a casualty of negative substandard contemplation as miseries. The extraordinary contemplative person is probably going to have scenes of impulsive extraversion which are rough, insufficient and unadapted to external reality. Notwithstanding demeanor types, we additionally recognize four capacity types. The four fundamental mental capacities are thinking, feeling, sensation and instinct. Believing is the objective ability to structure and combine discrete information by methods for reasonable speculations. Feeling is the capacity which decides esteem. The capacity esteems and advances human connections. Sensation is that work which sees and adjusts to outside reality by means of the faculties. Instinct is characterized as discernment by means of the oblivious, that is, the view of portrayals or ends whose source is dark. These four capacities mastermind themselves into two sets of alternate extremes: thinking †feeling and sensation †instinct. Albeit each individual has every one of the four capacities possibly available to them, in fact one capacity is typically more completely created than the others. This is known as the prevalent capacity. The one least created is the one that is generally crude and oblivious †the sub-par work. Frequently a subsequent capacity will have accomplished impressive improvement which moves toward that of the unrivaled capacity. This is an assistant capacity. Since any of the four capacities might be prevalent, we have the chance of four capacity types: the reasoning sort, feeling type, sensation type, and natural sort. The reasoning kind is discovered more regularly in men than in ladies. The reasoning type’s mental life is concerned to a great extent with the formation of scholarly formulae and the fitting of all beneficial experience into these structures. To the extent that the individual is related to the reasoning capacity and unaware of different capacities, the reasoning will in general be dictatorial and limit the full understanding of life. Since feeling will be the second rate work, its qualities will endure the most disregard. Human connections will be immediately yielded in the event that they meddle with the decision equation. The inclination type is discovered more regularly in ladies than in men. The turn of events and food of individual connections is the significant point. An affectability to human needs and an ability to meet them is its exceptional trademark. It discovers its most prominent fulfillment in affinity with others. In its outrageous, this capacity type can be shocking in its over the top accentuation on close to home issues. Since believing is the substandard capacity, its ability for dynamic, generic decisions will be dismissed or denied. Thinking will be acknowledged just inasmuch as it assumes a compliant job to the interests of feeling esteems. The sensation type is described by the brilliant adjustment to straightforward, self evident actuality reality. The individual in question is substance to identify with life on its most rudimentary terms without nuance, reflection or creative mind. The sensation type seems steady and gritty yet may need imaginative sparkle. Vision and creative mind, which could moderate this terrestrial state, are results of instinct, which is the mediocre capacity of this sort. The sensation type, truth be told, will frequently deteriorate instinctive articulations as unreasonable dreams and subsequently be denied of gravely required raise now and again of mental greatness. The natural sort is roused predominantly be a constant flow of new dreams and potential outcomes, got from dynamic instinct. The new, the odd and the diverse are a consistent bait. The person in question frequently sees darken associations between things which appear to be isolated and random. The natural psyche works in brisk hops, which is now and then hard for others to follow. When requested to continue all the more gradually, the person in question is adept to get eager, maybe considering audience members delayed in making associations. This type’s shortcoming lies in its substandard sensation work. The relationship to reality might be poor. The difficult work required to bring a chance into fact or to make an instinctive blaze commonly acknowledged appears to be excessively cumbersome. The individual in question may stay misconstrued with bits of knowledge, which in the event that they are to tolerate natural product, must be quietly evolved by others. The capacity types are only here and there as unmistakable as would show up by these portrayals. Generally the advancement of an assistant capacity will mellow and alter the sharp qualities here depicted. What's more, we have a further confusion. As indicated by the demeanor type, every one of the capacity types may have either an independent or an extraverted direction. In a perfect world, each of the four capacities ought to be accessible to the person so as to have a total reaction to life experience. It is one of the objectives of Jungian psychotherapy to acquire to awareness and to help the improvement of the substandard lacking capacities so as to move toward mystic completeness. Numerous contentions in human connections and debates can be comprehended through the hypothesis of mental kinds. For example, Jung has clarified the distinction between the mental speculations of Freud and Adler on this premise. Freud’s hypothesis is concerned predominantly with the individual’s requirement for and love of the article. In this way it is an extraverted hypothesis. Adler’s hypothesis depends on the individual’s need to keep up his own confidence, glory and force. Adler underlines the inward, abstract need; subsequently h

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ice Fili Essay Example

Ice Fili Essay Example Ice Fili Paper Ice Fili Paper As the contextual investigation shows, in the repercussions of the 1998 Russian financial emergency, competition in the Russian frozen yogurt industry multiplied, from 150 out of 1998 to 300 organizations by 2002. The exceptional contention can be clarified by the way that benefit proportion for frozen yogurt creation is around 15 to 20 %, an edge that is viewed as high by Russian food industry gauges (p. 5). What's more, local Russian dessert is one the least expensive on the planet to create and purchase, which to some degree clarifies the huge ascent of exceptionally serious provincial Ice cream makers, who these days represent about 30% of the local Russian market (p. 1). Remote organizations, for example, Nestle and Basking Robbins have had the option to employ in the Russian frozen yogurt showcase by creating, disseminating and selling their dessert items locally through Cafes and Kiosks. Moscow-based makers, for example, Ice-Fill have fundamentally centered around deals Kiosks and Supermarkets. Local makers command the provincial and progressively removed regions of Russia, for example, Siberia. Nonetheless, as the piece demonstrates, they have been endeavoring to contend in the bigger metropolitan territories also. The watchword is open market. For a considerable length of time, Russian frozen yogurt was created and devoured in a socialist system. To comprehend that is to realize that he populace had constrained access and adaptability to the Ice cream it expended. At the point when the disintegration of the Soviet association came It released a huge want for change all through the whole nation. A decent similarity to show nature of the market in Russia after the breakdown is the Renaissance Era. A similar way the Renaissance was the resurgence of culture all through Europe, the new market was the resurgence of new thoughts, and encounters to Russia. It was an ideal time to present new items, more assortment of existing items, and a perfect time for universal organizations to enter the market. Be that as it may, the budgetary breakdown of 1998 wrecked the market altogether. Ben n Jerry left the market, others like Nestle stayed in view of their tremendous speculation. Quick sending to the sasss you at that point saw a rise of nearby organizations. These neighborhood organizations were liberated from the olds limitations of the Soviet association and had the option to work at lower costs. Generally speaking, the market truly Is up for the taking for a few reasons; 1) the market head (Ice-fill) has not arrived at Its latent capacity, gradually it is beginning to wake up, yet their rivals can exploit their absence of direness; 2) ten International organizations appear to De nappy Walt need teenager nave Ana in spite of the fact that they explore different avenues regarding new thoughts, there isnt any genuine forceful procedures for assuming control over (Nestle has been making striking moves and they may be the first to take Ice-Fill from the top); and 3) the littler organizations are getting their morsels yet not having enough of an effect to fundamentally affect the market, at any rate not yet. So Id state, yes this market is appealing, and it is an awesome time for Ben n Jerry to return with full power. 2) Do you anticipate that its allure should change over the ext five years? Truly, I expect the Russian frozen yogurt industry to expand its piece of the overall industry in utilization as long as, in addition to other things, the industry changes its way to deal with the showcasing and selling of dessert (for additional on this, go to address 3). The contextual analysis communicates worries for local dessert makers by raising the likelihood that Nestles solid nearness in the Russian market will in the end dispose of any test from household makers, including Ice-Fill, in the medium and long haul runs by refering to Nestles predominance of the Egyptian market (p. 14); however I question this will happen in light of the fact that the Egyptian market is a lot littler than Russians and the household makers in Egypt may have not had the option to locate the money related assets and human ability to contend with Nestle. Note that Russians are glad for their dessert. It is exceptional. In any case, if nearby organizations keep on falling behind on advancement and advertising, the outside powers (Nestle, and so on ) are going to keep on growing their essence in Russia and potentially dispose of them. Ice-Fill is in an interesting situation to have an effect. They have the history and he brand mindfulness, however they havent actually forcefully assaulted the market and improved. In the event that Nestle prevails with regards to deposing Ice-fill, or if Ice-Fill utilizes its muscle and grows its piece of the overall industry, the frozen yogurt advertise in Russia would lose a portion of its engaging quality. 3) Could the business structure be made gigantically increasingly alluring? Assuming this is the case, how? Truly, I accept so. The Russian frozen yogurt advertise has been on a downturn over the most recent couple of years because of the expansion in buyer interest for soft drinks, lager and dessert shops. As the contextual analysis calls attention to, the frozen yogurt industry generally has not expected to connect much in showcasing exercises because of the Soviet-style plan of action, which depended on focal arranging and creation, and the prominence of desserts. Post-retail changing, the worldwide organizations made them showcase accomplishment because of the naiveté of the residential makers yet, by and large, frozen yogurt promoting has slacked that of other striking food businesses in Russia. As the investigation noted, Ice-Fill didn't run its first TV promoting business until 2001 (p. 9). During that equivalent year, the dessert business spent distinctly about 1% of its gross deals on promoting, while the ere and soft drinks advertise had burned through 2% and 7% separately (p. 2). In that regard, the frozen yogurt advertise underachieved. In the event that the frozen yogurt industry increases its promoting determination, deals will probably increment. The business should invest wholeheartedly in their household created dessert, which they guarantee numerous outsiders believe is the best on the planet (p. 2). The business ought to likewise exploit the healthful bit of leeway frozen yogurt has over brew and soft drinks as wellspring of protein (and elective diabetic dessert) and enhancement of its utilization as an in-home utilization item for menu sizes and pastries, something the business has neglected to tap on up until this point. The potential Is residency out It needs to a performance advertising deliberately, particularly Day ten predecessor makers, which targets buyers calmly and over and over, in a purposeful exertion. A) Who are Ice-Files significant contenders? As recently referenced, regardless of the downturn of the Russian frozen yogurt piece of the overall industry visit-a-visit other food ventures, rivalry inside the business has prospered (p. 10), with the quantity of contenders multiplying in size, from 150 of every 1998, to 300 out of 2002. Ice-Files principle contenders are the household territorial makers, who have enticed to contend in the huge metropolitan habitats, and the global organizations, most quite Nestle and Basking ; Robbins. B) How all around situated is Ice-Fill comparative with its key rivals? The examination shows Ice-Fill deals of frozen yogurt (and different items) happened through stands, minarets, cafés and schools. As opposed to building up their own conveyance organize, Ice-Fill depended on contracting with different organizations for appropriation and deals of its items, yet these organizations were not contracted solely given they likewise convey Ice-Files contenders items, a large portion of these in the Moscow zone and very little past that. The residential provincial organizations had their own deals and appropriation channels given their specialty was in local areas, for example, Siberian Marko, which began as a dessert merchant ; retailer and wound up building up assembling, dissemination and deals abilities of their own frozen yogurt that ventured into Moscow, Ice-Files principle specialty (p. 11). The worldwide organizations, then again, chose generally to actualize similar systems they applied in different markets, with certain alterations. After the 1998 Russian money related emergency, most outside organizations left the Russian market except for Basking Robbins and Nestle. Luxuriating Robbins effectively settled diversifying tasks in Russia much similarly as it does in the United States, that is, through permitting autonomous organizations and business people run Cafe establishments under the Basking ; Robbins brand name, supporting the franchisees in everything about the activity. Relaxing ; Robbins arrange has 105 Cafeâ ©s in 35 Russian urban communities. The examination calls attention to that Nestle has had a nearness in the Russian market since the times of the Russian Empire. Settle tasks have comprised in for the most part keeping up its own neighborhood creation costs while preparing and creating nearby workers. Since 2000, Nestle has put more than $20 million in dessert creation, endeavoring to make marks that fit more the Russian market and putting vigorously in TV publicizing. By 2000, Nestle had the second biggest piece of the overall industry in Russia, just behind Ice-Fill. Ice-Fills value position was medium cost. Nearby makers were at 3-4 rubbles while Nestle was around 10. Ice-Fill came in around 6. Remember that Ice-Fill has the brand acknowledgment, the quality and the custom. I accept this is a great meeting to be in for the occasion. Be that as it may, when the new techniques are actualized the new valuing procedure may must be thought of. C) Is this position economical? In spite of Intense rivalry In ten Ice cream advertise, Ice-HI appears to appreciate ten lead in piece of the overall industry in Russia for the occasion, with a 5% share (p. 10). Temporarily, truly, this position is practical, yet in the medium and long terms, no, given the reality, as the examination calls attention to, the Moscow showcase is as of now immersed with stands, corners and minarets and Ice-Files dispersion conspire is restricting, particularly visitvisit TTS local contenders, even in the Moscow advertise, and remote contenders outside of Moscow. It is staggering that Ice-Fill has a lead in the piece of the overall industry in spite of the reality Nestle outspends Ice-Fill in publicizing and has a serious edge in

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Match Game

Match Game It may have been snowing outside, but inside, its raining applications. Unfortunately, I missed another classic IAP event last night: the annual 6.270 Robot Competition. Modeled after MITs world-famous 2.70/2.007 robotics competition, 6.270 throws in an interesting twist: the robots must be autonomous. The competition is so popular, they hold it in the 1200 seat Kresge Auditorium on campus. Here on my blog, there has been a lot of interesting discussion after my last post, and lots of good questions, too. I hope to answer many of those questions soon, but today Ill start with the question that seems to be most prominent: what does it mean to be a good match for MIT? What do we look for? Alignment with MITs mission. The founding mission of MIT was to improve the world through science and technology. The Task Force on Student Life Learning aka the Task Force, which was formed during my time as an undergraduate to articulate MITs mission for the next 50 years (this is a topic for another post) reaffirmed that mission, stating, Today, the goal of discovering and applying knowledge for the benefit of society remains at the center of MITs mission. Collaborative cooperative spirit. The core of the MIT spirit is collaboration and cooperation: you can see it all over the Institute. The homework (problem sets) at MIT is designed to be worked on in groups; cross-department labs are very common; MIT is known for its interdisciplinary research; the Open Source movement is powerful here; publishing and sharing of results is the center of academic research. Fostering a collaborative environment is an important part of the MIT community. Initiative. Opportunities abound at MIT, but they must be seized. Research projects and seed money and interesting lectures and all that good stuff isnt handed to students on a silver platter, but for those students who take initiative, who take advantage of whats around them, MITs resources are unparalleled. Initiative is also coupled with risk-taking. Risk-taking. Asian Mom provided a great quotation from Marilee Jones, our Dean of Admissions: