Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Theory Of Human Motivation - 1086 Words

A Theory of Human Motivation Maslow (1943) sets out to provide a theory as to why we as individuals become motivated to satisfy our basic needs and seek to fulfill other needs once the previous ones have been satisfied. He developed a concept called the hierarchy of needs, which he uses to interpret the different levels of needs individuals acquire. This theory is of importance as it provides reasoning and structure for the fulfillment of our everyday needs. After describing the five needs, the author talks about the pre-conditions that must be met in order to satisfy basic needs. Further discussion of characteristics pertaining to the theory will lead into the degree of fixity of the hierarchy. Thirteen propositions from a previous article were initially presented. These were meant to set somewhat of a guideline as to what should be accepted and what should not. Some of the more important propositions in my opinion were: conscious desires are not as fundamental as unconscious goals, human needs are arranged in hierarchies of prepotency, and motivation classification is based on goals. I felt like he focused a bit more on these propositions than the others. Following the thesis statement, we learn about the hierarchy of needs, which consists of physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs, belonging needs, and lastly, self-actualization. Physiological needs consist of the dual-components, homeostasis and hunger. The state of being at homeostasis signifies thatShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Motivation Essay1091 Words   |  5 Pagesessence, the theory believes human behaviour can be predicted, as each person is driven by a set of needs, which the transactional leadership framework assumes to be money and simple rewards. Two main theories of human motivation have influenced the transactional framework: Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Douglas McGregor’s Theory X. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Psychologist Abraham Maslow first proposed his ideas around human needs in a 1943 paper â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation†. The paperRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Motivation843 Words   |  4 PagesMotivation is a topic that is highly popular in modern media. Many medias such as television commercials use motivation as a selling point to most company’s. Human motivation is a strong topic used to sell products such as workout and dietary supplements.The concept of human motivation is the thought of how one can be motivated to do a specific task. People are motivated in many different ways, motivation can come from a drive to want to do something with a tenacious ideal. Motivation is not somethingRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Motivation2839 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction Motivation is a force that causes employees to select and choose certain behaviors from the many alternatives open to them (Lawler, E Suttle 1972 , 281). It has been widely accepted that motivation is one of the primary drivers of behavior in work place. The theory of human motivation describes motivation as the effective and efficient laden anticipations of preferred situations that guide the behavior of humans towards these situations. There are various motivational theorists asRead MoreA Theory Of Human Motivation2110 Words   |  9 Pagesare countless facets and many temperaments we need to take into account. In modern day, progressive circles, groups are comprised of much diversity and an assortments of ideals. In his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation in Psychological Review. [2]. Philosopher Abraham Maslow stated the third human interpersonal essential as the need to belong. (Include one more sentence commenting the need to belong in groups). Groups tend to form around many collectives including cultural, racial, religiousRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Motivation Essay1839 Words   |  8 PagesPensions Transfers †¢ Summative Coursework †¢ Session B60854 †¢ Course Start Date: 22 august 16 †¢ Submission Deadline: Midday 1 November 16 †¢ Candidate C53500. â€Æ' Introduction The theory of human motivation was introduced in 1943 by psychologist Abraham Maslow as the Hierarchy of needs. Basic needs like food and shelter once met give rise to psychological needs, which motivate behaviour. To feel good people, have a bias for instant gratification. The FCA are taking a keen interest in behaviouralRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of Human Motivation1560 Words   |  7 Pagesof what ideology one follows, is â€Å"what motivates humans?† In the year of 1943, Abram Maslow wrote his paper A Theory of Human Motivation. In this paper, Maslow described a theory in which he claimed that all people had basic needs, and these needs were fulfilled in order of their importance to the individual. Each need would need to be met prior to working towards another need, eventually achieving the ultimate goal of self-actualization. This theory is the basis of the humanistic perspective, whichRead MoreMaslow s Theory Of Human Motivation901 Words   |  4 PagesIn our everyday lives, we go through certain needs and behaviors. Abraham Maslow’s article of Theory of Human Motivation begins with the explanation of the Basic Needs of behavior. He goes over how our basic needs are safety , love, self-esteem, and self-actualization. (Physiological needs tend to go along with the other four needs.) When it comes to craving violence, four of the above needs apply to the given behavior. Starting with physiological needs; they are those needs that include survivalRead MoreAbraham Maslow : The Theory Of Human Motivation1356 Words   |  6 PagesAbraham Maslow: The Theory of Human Motivation Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist, born on April 1st 1908 in Brooklyn New York City, N.Y. Maslow is better known for the creating of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which I believe to be human motivation. This is considered to be a theory of psychological health predicted on fulfilling human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization. Maslow being ranked as the 10th most cited psychologist of the 20th century; from a book whichRead MoreMaslow s Theory On Human Motivation1310 Words   |  6 PagesMaslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs was one of the earliest theories developed on human motivation. With the basic principle that higher-level motives could not become active before the basic needs had been met (Lahey, 2001). Maslow suggested that these basic needs such as food, water and safety needed to be in place and satisfied before motivation to meet higher needs is possible and takes effect. Maslow (1943) organised these human needs into five sets and then arranged those into a pyramid, withRead MoreA Theory Of Human Motivation By Abraham Maslow911 Words   |  4 Pagesthe passage, â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation,† by Abraham Maslow, and then write an analysis of the film, Homeless to Harvard: The Lizz Murray Story (The Analysis Assignment Instructions). We were told to use Maslow’s theory as an analytical tool and apply what he states in regards to human motivation to the characters in the film (201-205). Mr. Barrera, my English professor, helped with additional amplification and illustration in showing the connection of the film to Maslow’s theory. The study of this

Monday, December 16, 2019

Patterns Within Systems of Linear Equations Free Essays

Jasmine Chai Grade 10 196298501 Patterns within systems of linear equations Systems of linear equations are a collection of linear equations that are related by having one solution, no solution or many solutions. A solution is the point of intersection between the two or more lines that are described by the linear equation. Consider the following equations: x + 2y = 3 and 2x – y = -4. We will write a custom essay sample on Patterns Within Systems of Linear Equations or any similar topic only for you Order Now These equations are an example of a 2Ãâ€"2 system due to the two unknown variables (x and y) it has. In one of the patterns, by multiplying the coefficient of the y variable by 2 then subtract the coefficient of x from it you will be given the constant. As a word equation it can be written like so with the coefficient of x as A and coefficient of y as B and the constant as C, 2B – Ax = C. This can be applied to the first equation (x + 2y = 3) as 2(2) – 1 = 3. To the second equation (2x – y = -4), it is -1(2) – 2 = -4. By using matrices or graphs, we can solve this system. Regarding other systems that also has such as pattern, it should also have the same solution as the two examples displayed. For instance, 3x + 4y = 5 and x -2y = -5, another system, also displays the same pattern as the first set and has a solution of (-1, 2). Essentially, this pattern is indicating an arithmetic progression sequence. Arithmetic progression is described as common difference between sequences of numbers. In a specific sequence, each number accordingly is labelled as an. the subscript n is referring to the term number, for instance the 3rd term is known as a3. The formula, an = a1 + (n – 1) d, can be used to find an, the unknown number in the sequence. The variable d represents the common difference between the numbers in the sequence. In the first equation (x + 2y = 3) given, the common differences between the constants c – B and B – A is 1. Variable A is the coefficient of x and variable b represents the coefficient of y, lastly, c represents the constant. The common difference of the second equation (2x – y = -4) is -3 because each number is decreasing by 3. In order to solve for the values x and y, you could isolate a certain variable in one of the equations and substitute it into the other equation. x + 2y = 3 2x – y = -4 x + 2y = 3 * x = 3 – 2y * 2(3 – 2y) – y = -4 * 6 – 4y – y = -4 * 6 – 5y = -4 * -5y = -10 * y = 2 Now that the value of y is found, you can substitute 2 in as y in any of the equations to solve for x. x + 2y = 3 x + 2(2) = 3 * x + 4 = 3 * x = 3 – 4 * x = -1 Solution: (-1, 2) Even though the solution has already been found, there are many different ways to solve it, such as graphically solving it. By graphing the two linear lines, you can interpolate or extrapolate if necessary to find the point where the two lines intersect. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Graph 1 Graph 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Just from the equations given, it is not in a format where it can be easily graphed. By changing it into y=mx + b form, the first equation will result as y = – (1/2) x + 3/2 or y = -0. 5x + 1. 5 and the second equation will result as y = 2x + 4. The significance of the solution is that it is equal to the point of intersection as shown on Graph 1. This can then allow the conclusion that the solution of the two linear equations is also the point of intersection when graphed. According to this arithmetic progression sequence, it could be applied to other similar systems. For instance, the examples below demonstrates how alike 2Ãâ€"2 systems to the previous one will display a similarity. Example 1: In the first equation the common difference between (3, 4 and 5) is 1. In the second equation, the common difference is -3. The common differences in these equations are exact to the previous example. 3x + 4y = 5 x – 2y = -5 x – 2y = -5 * x = 2y – 5 (Substitution) 3x + 4y = 5 * 3(2y – 5) + 4y = 5 * 6y – 15 + 4y = 5 * 10y – 15 = 5 * 10y = 20 * y = 2 (Substituting y) x – 2y = -5 * x – 2(2) = -5 * x – 4 = -5 * x = -5 +4 * x = -1 Solution: (-1, 2) Example 2: In the first equation below, it has a common difference of 18 for (2, 20 and 38). For the second equation, in (15, -5 and -25), it has a common difference of -20. In this example, the system is solved graphically. 2x + 20y = 38 15x – 5 y = -25 Solution: (-1, 2) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Graph 2 Graph 2 | | | From the examples given above that are very similar to the first system, we can conclude that there is something common between them, that is the point of intersection or the values of x and y. That would imply that the x and y values and the point of intersection will always be (-1, 2) for all systems that follow arithmetic progression sequences. Due to that similarity, an equation that can be applied to these types of equations can be made. If the first coefficient of the first equation is identified as A and the common difference is c, an equation such as, Ax + (A + c) y = A + 2c, is made. This equation is so, because it is describes an arithmetic sequence, where the coefficients and constant are increasing by one in response to the coefficient before. In the second equation of the system, another equation can be made relatively the same to the first, with exceptions of different variables used. If B is used to represent the first coefficient of the second equation and d is used as the common difference, the equation, Bx + (B + d) y = B + 2d is created. With 2 equations, we have now created a system; to solve the system we can use the elimination method. This method is used to eliminate certain variables in order to find the value of another variable. After doing so, you could substitute in the value for the found variable and solve for the other(s). Ax + (A + c) y = A + 2c Bx + (B + d) y = B + 2d In order to use the elimination method, you must make the coefficient of x or y the same depending on which one you would like to eliminate. In this case, we will start by eliminating x. To proceed to do so, we must first multiply the first equation by B and the second equation by A: ABx + (AB + Bc) y = AB + 2Bc ABx + (AB + Bd) y = AB + 2Bd After we have made the coefficient of x the same for both equations, we can now subtract the equations from one another: ABx + ABy + Bcy = AB + 2Bc ABx + ABy + Bdy = AB + 2Bd * Bcy – Bdy = 2Bc – 2Bd To find the value of y, we must isolate the variable y. Bcy – Bdy = 2Bc – 2Bd * y(Bc – Bd) = 2(Bc – Bd) * y = 2 Now that the value of y is found, to find the value of x is to substitute the value of y, which is 2, into any equation that includes that variable x and y. Bx + (B + d) y = B + 2d * Bx + (B + d) 2 = B + 2d * Bx + 2B + 2d = B + 2d * Bx + 2B – B = 2d – 2d * Bx + B = 0 * Bx = -B * x = -1 To conclude the results of the equations above, it is making thee statement that all 2Ãâ€"2 systems that display an arithmetic progression sequence, which has a common difference between the coefficients and constant, it will have a result, point of intersection, of (-1, 2). To confirm that this is correct, the example systems below will demonstrate this property: Equation 1 (common difference of 8): 2x + 10y = 18 Equation 2 (common difference of 3): x + 4y = 7 Substitution Method x + 4y = 7 * x = 7 – 4y Substitute 2x + 10y = 18 * 2 (7 – 4y) + 10y = 18 * 14 – 8y +10y = 18 * 14 + 2y = 18 2y = 18 – 14 * 2y = 4 * y = 2 Substitute x + 4y = 7 * x + 4(2) = 7 * x + 8 = 7 * x = 7 – 8 * x = -1 Solution: (-1, 2) Once again from the example above, it displays that the solution or the point of intersection is identified as (-1, 2). From previous examples, all have a common difference that is different from the other equation involved in that system. In the fol lowing example, it will experiment whether having the same common difference will make a difference in the result. Equation 1 (common difference of 3): 2x + 5y = 8 Equation 2 (common difference of 3): x + 3y = 6 Graph 3 Graph 3 As you can see on the graph, it shows that the two lines do not intersect at (-1, 2) even though it is a 2Ãâ€"2 system that has a common difference in both equations, meaning that the intersection at (-1, 2) can only be applied to systems that has 2 different common differences. To conclude, all 2Ãâ€"2 systems that follow arithmetic progression sequence with different common difference have a solution of (-1, 2). Furthermore, now that it is known that there is a certain pattern for a specific type of system, if this property is applied to a 3Ãâ€"3 system, with 3 different variables can it still work? Consider the following 3Ãâ€"3 system, (x + 2y + 3z = 4), (5x + 7y + 9z = 11) and (2x + 5y + 8z = 11). In this system, it has similar patterns to the 2Ãâ€"2 systems above due to its arithmetic progression. In the first equation, it has a common difference of 1 and the second equation has a common difference of 2 and lastly, the third equation has a common difference of 3. To solve this system, we can solve it using the method of elimination or matrices. Equation 1 (common difference: 1): x + 2y + 3z = 4 Equation 2 (common difference: 2): 5x + 7y + 9z = 11 Equation 3 (common difference: 3): 2x + 5y + 8z = 11 Elimination Method To eliminate the variable x, we must first start by making the coefficients of x in two equations the same. We can do so by finding the lowest common multiple of the two coefficients and multiplying the whole equation by it. Equation 1: x + 2y + 3z = 4 * 2(x + 2y + 3z = 4) * 2x + 4y + 6z = 8 We can eliminate the variable x now that the coefficients of x in both equations are the same. To eliminate x, we can subtract equation 3 from equation 1. Equation 1 and 3: 2x + 4y + 6z = 8 2x + 5y + 8z = 11 -y -2z = -3 After eliminating x from two equations to form another equation that does not involve x (-y -2z = -3), another equation that does not involve x must be made to further eliminate another variable such as y or z. Equation 1: x + 2y + 3z = 4 * 5(x + 2y + 3z = 4) * 5x + 10y + 15z = 20 We can eliminate the variable x now that the coefficients of x in both equations are the same. To eliminate x, we can subtract equa tion 2 from equation 1. Equation 1 and 2: 5x + 10y + 15z = 20 – 5x + 7y + 9z = 11 3y + 6z = 9 Now that two different equations that do not involve x ((-y -2z = -3) and (3y + 6z = 9)) are created, we can find the common coefficient of y and eliminate it to find the value of the variable z. Let (-y -2z = -3) to be known as equation A and (3y + 6z = 9) will be known as equation B. Equation A: -y -2z = -3 * 3(-y -2z = -3) * -3y -6z = -9 Equation A and B: -3y -6z = -9 + 3y + 6z = 9 0 = 0 As you can see from the result, 0 = 0, this is indicating that the system either has many solutions, meaning a collinear line or no solution, where all the lines do not intersect together at a specific point. Even if you attempt to isolate a different variable it will still have the same result. For instance, using the same equations above, you eliminate the variable y first as displayed below. Equation 1 (common difference: 1): x + 2y + 3z = 4 Equation 2 (common difference: 2): 5x + 7y + 9z = 11 Equation 3 (common difference: 3): 2x + 5y + 8z = 11 Elimination Method Equation 1: x + 2y + 3z = 4 * 7(x + 2y + 3z = 4) * 7x +14y + 21z = 28 Equation 2: 5x + 7y + 9z = 11 * 2(5x + 7y + 9z = 11) * 10x + 14y + 18z = 22 Equation 1 and 2: 7x +14y + 21z = 28 – 10x + 14y + 18z = 22 3x + 3z = 6 Equation 1: x + 2y + 3z = 4 * 5(x + 2y + 3z = 4) * 5x +10y + 15z = 20 Equation 3: 2x + 5y + 8z = 11 * 2(2x + 5y + 8z = 11) * 4x + 10y +16z = 22 Equation 1 and 3: 5x +10y + 15z = 20 – 4x + 10y +16z = 22 x – z = -2 Two equations have been made that has already eliminated the variable y. Let (-3x + 3z = 6) be equation A and let (x – z = -2) be equation B. Doing this, is in attempt to sol ve for variable x. Equation A: -3x + 3z = 6 Equation B: x – z = -2 * 3(x – z = -2) * 3x – 3z = -6 Equation A and B: -3x + 3z = 6 + 3x – 3z = -6 0 = 0 As you can see the result, it is the same even if you try to solve another variable, from that we can confirm that this system has either no solution or infinite solutions, meaning that they are collinear lines. Furthermore, because this is a 3Ãâ€"3 system, meaning that it has three different variables, such as x, y and z, graphing it will also be very different from a graph of a 2Ãâ€"2 system. In a 3Ãâ€"3 system, the graph would be a surface chart, where the variable z allows the graph to become 3D. From this, we can conclude 3Ãâ€"3 systems that follow an arithmetic progression will always have either no solution or infinite solutions. This is saying that all linear equations do not intersect together in one point or they do not intersect. A way to prove this is through finding the determinant. The determinant is a single number that describes the solvability of the system. To find the determinant of all 3Ãâ€"3 systems that possesses arithmetic progression, we can start by creating a formula. Allow the first coefficient of the first equation be A and the second equation’s first coefficient be B and lastly, the first coefficient of the third equation be C. The common difference of equation one will be c, the common difference of equation two will be d, and the common difference of equation e will be e. This can be described through the following equations: 1. Ax + (A + c) y + (A + 2c) z = (A + 3c) 2. Bx + (B + d) y + (B + 2d) z = (B + 3d) 3. Cx + (C + e) y + (C + 2e) z = (C + 3e) When developing a matrix to find the determinant, you must have a square matrix. In this case, we do not have a square matrix. A square matrix is where the number of rows and columns are equal, for example, it could be a 2Ãâ€"2, 3Ãâ€"3, or 4Ãâ€"4. Looking at the equations, it is a 3Ãâ€"4 matrix; as a result it must be rearranged. Below is the rearranged matrix of the equations above. x A (A + c) (A + 2c) (A + 3c) y B (B + d) (B + 2d) = (B + 3d) z C (C + e) (C + 2e) (C + 3e) To find the determinant, you must find 4 values from the 3Ãâ€"3 matrix that helps find the determinant of A, B and C. In this case, if you were to find the values for A, you would cover the values that are in the same row and column as A, like so, A (A + c) (A + 2c) B (B + d) (B + 2d) C (C + e) (C + 2e) You would be left with four separate values that can be labelled as A, B, C and D. Respectively to the model below: a b c d In order to find the determinant you must find the four values for A, (A + c) and (A +2c). To find the determinant the equation ad – cb is used. The equation in this situation would be like the one below: A[(B + d)(C + 2e) – (C + e)(B + 2d)] – (A + c)[B(C + 2e) – C(B + 2d)] + (A +2c)[B(C + 2e) – C(B + 2d)] Expand * = A(BC – BC + Cd – 2Cd + 2Be – Be + 2de – 2de) – (A + c)(BC – BC + 2Be – 2Cd) + (A + 2c)(BC – BC + 2Be – 2Cd) Simplify 2ABe – 2ABe + 2ACd – 2ACd + 2Ccd – 2Ccd + 2Bce – 2Bce * = 2ABe – 2ABe + 2ACd – 2ACd + 2Ccd – 2Ccd + 2Bce – 2Bce * = 0 As it is visible, above it shows that the determinant found in this type of matrix is zero. If it is zero, it means that there are infinite answers or no answer at all. Using technology, a graphing calculator, once entering a 3Ãâ€"3 matrix that exhibits arithmetic progression, it states that it is an error and states that it is a singular matrix. This may mean that there is no solution. To conclude, there is no solution or infinite solution to 3Ãâ€"3 systems that exhibit the pattern of arithmetic sequencing. This can be proved when the sample 3Ãâ€"3 system is graphed and results as a 3D collinear segment. As well as the results from above when a determinant is found to be zero proves that 3Ãâ€"3 systems that pertains an arithmetic sequence. Arithmetic sequences within systems of linear equations are one pattern of systems. Regarding other patterns, it is questionable if geometric sequences can be applied to systems of linear equations. Consider the following equations, x + 2y = 4 and 5x – y = 1/5. It is clear that the coefficients and constants have a certain relation through multiplication. In the first equation (x + 2y = 4), it has the relation where it has a common ratio of 2 between numbers 1, 2 and 4. For the second equation (5x – y = 1/5), it has a common ratio of -1/5 between 5, -1 and 1/5. The common ratio is determined through the multiplicative succession from the previous number in the order of the numbers. When the equations are rearranged into the form y=mx+b, as y = – ? x + 2 and y = 5x – 1/5, there is a visible pattern. Between the two equations they both possess the pattern of the constant, where constant a is the negative inverse of constant b and vice versa. This would infer that if they are multiplied together, as follows (-1/2 x 2 = -1 and 5 x -1/5 = -1), it will result as -1. With equations that are also similar to these, such as the following, y = 2x – 1/2, y = -2x + 1/2, y = 1/5x – 5 or y = -1/5x +5. Displayed below, is a linear graph that shows linear equations that are very similar to the ones above. Graph 4 Graph 4 From the graph above, you can see that the equations that are the same with exceptions of negatives and positives, they reflect over the axis and displays the same slope. For instance, the linear equations y = 2x -1/2 and y=-2x +1/2 are essentially the same but reflected as it shows in the graph below. Also, all equations have geometric sequencing, which means that they are multiplied by a common ratio. Secondly, the points of intersection between similar lines are always on the x-axis. Graph 5 Graph 5 Point of intersection: (0. 25, 0) Point of intersection: (0. 25, 0) To solve a general 2Ãâ€"2 system that incorporates this pattern, a formula must be developed. In order to do so, something that should be kept in mind is that it must contain geometric sequencing in regards to the coefficients and constants. An equation such as, Ax + (Ar) y = Ar2 with A representing the coefficients and r representing the common ratio. The second equation of the system could be as follows, Bx + (Bs) y = Bs2 with B as the coefficient and s as the common ratio. As a general formula of these systems, they can be simplified through the method of elimination to find the values of x and y. Ax + (Ar) y = Ar2 Bx + (Bs) y = Bs2 Elimination Method B (Ax + (Ar) y = Ar2) * BAx + BAry = BAr2 A (Bx + (Bs) y = Bs2) * ABx + ABsy = ABs2 Eliminate BAx + BAry = BAr2 – ABx + ABsy = ABs2 BAry – ABsy = BAr2 – ABs2 ABy (r – s) = AB (r2 – s2) * y = (r + s) Finding value of x by inputting y into an equation ABx + ABsy = ABs2 * ABx + ABs(r + s) = ABs2 * ABx = ABs2 – ABs(r +s) * x = s2 – s(r +s) * x = s2 – s2 – rs * x = rs To confirm that the formula is correct, we can apply the equation into the formula and solve for x and y and compare it to the results of graph 4. T he equations that we will be comparing will be y = 5x – 1/5 and y = -1/5x + 5. The point of intersection, (1, 4. 8) of these equations is shown graphically on graph 4 and 6. The common ratio (r) of the first equation is -0. and the common ratio, also known as s in the equation of the second equation is 5. X = – (-0. 2 x 5) = 1 Y = (-0. 2 + 5) = 4. 8 As you can see, above, the equations are correctly matching the point of intersection as shown on the graphs. Due to such as result, it is known that it can now be applied to any equations that display geometric sequencing. Graph 6 Graph 6 Resources: 1. Wolfram MathWorld. Singular Matrix. Retrieved N/A, from http://mathworld. wolfram. com/SingularMatrix. html 2. Math Words. Noninvertible Matrix. Retrieved March 24, 2011 from, http://www. mathwords. com/s/singular_matrix. htm How to cite Patterns Within Systems of Linear Equations, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Social Relation Business Relationship

Question: Describe about the Social Relation for Business Relationship. Answer: Issue The question of law to be determined in this case is; whether there is Derrick and Carmel had the intention to be legally bound and whether consideration was given and if it met the standards set by law. Rule The general rule that is applicable in social relation is that there exists a rebuttable presumption that there is no intention to be legally bound by any agreement made.[1] Conversely, an objective test to determine the intention of parties in a social relationship has been adopted by a majority of judicial decision which appears to eschew the application of the rebuttable presumptions as was observed in Ermogenous v Greek Orthodox Community of SA Inc.[2] On the matter of consideration, it is the general rule that consideration must be provided for a contract to be valid and enforceable. The consideration can either be the performance of an act or profit, benefit or interest that may be incurred in a promised transaction. [3]Some scholars appear to relate intention and consideration, and they argue that consideration determines the intention of the parties. The nerve of the reasoning of the preceding argument is that if consideration is present, then the parties intended to be legally bound. It should, however, be borne in mind that intention is an independent desideratum for a contract formation. In Woodward v Johnston [4] the claimant agreed to help the husband repair a dredge by cleaning the rust. The claimant dutifully performed this task during the weekend. The court held that such a relationship did not demonstrate that the parties had the intention to be legally bound because the claimant could not rebut the presumption that there was in intention to be bound. The presumption will, however, be rebutted in circumstances where a commercial agreement exists between a domestic relationship transaction. Moreover, the court in Todd v Nicol[5] While applying, the rebuttable presumptions ruled that they are rebutted if attention is paid to the nature of the relationship at the time of making the agreement and the extent to which the parties went to perform the promise. It is apparent from the test applied in Tods case that if the agreement goes beyond what would reasonably be inferred as a social agreement, the presumption will be rebutted. The judicial ink that has been spilled in recent cases in Australia is a manifest that the rebuttable presumption test has fallen into disfavor and the Objective test has taken root. It is of interest to note that the objective test has been applied in a case where the court held that the court should take into account the conduct of the parties and the wording displayed by the agreement and determine if on a balance of probability an intention to be legally bound will be inferred. The courts have applied the objective test in several instances to escape the use of the rebuttable presumption test. As has been noted in the Curie case consideration may be either a profit or interest following a promise. In this case, there was an agreed consideration of $20000. It has been held that the consideration must be given by the promisor to the promise and a promise cannot be enforced if a consideration has not been given.[6] It must also be demonstrated that consideration has an economic value and is not ambiguous in nature. In Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge Co Ltd[7] the court held that consideration must be the price that is paid fro the promise that has been made in the agreement. As such the promise should be valuable of benefit. In the case above Dunlop sold tires to a person on an agreed basis that they will not be sold at a certain undercut price. However, subsequent buyers of the tyres sold them at a lower price and the court held that there was no agreement between them and Dunlop and that there was no valuable consideration that had been given to enable the agreeme nt to be enforced. It is imperative to note that consideration must not necessarily be adequate. As a matter of course consideration must only be sufficient. In Chappell v Nestle[8] Lord Somervell argued that a sufficient consideration is based on the free will of the contracting parties to determine the final value of it. A more persuasive position was arrived at in Thomas v Thomas[9] where the court stated that a consideration of 1 pound as annual rent was sufficient and disregarded the argument that consideration must be adequate. Application Derrick and Carmel are cousins and therefore there relationship can be regarded as a domestic relationship. The fact that the relationship is a domestic one triggers the application of the rebuttable presumption test is strictly applied then the result will be that there was no intention to be legally bound. It can thus be argued that although Derrick and Carmel are great friends and cousins, the nature of their engagement is purely business related as it refers to a commercial service. It can be conceded that an intention to be legally bound existed in the agreement. The fact that agreement between Derrick and Carmel was of a business nature and a consideration of $20000 was given it can be stated that the consideration had an economic value and was very clear from the commencement of the transaction. It can be observed that Derrick and Carmel agreed on the final price after a counter offer which shows that the consideration was determined based on the free will of the parties who n egotiated. Conclusion In light of the above arguments and application of the law it can be concluded that the two parties had the intention to be legally bound by the agreement. However, as some scholars have noted the court determines the intention of both parties but on the real aspect the parties may have had a different intention when entering into the agreement. It could be argued that the court cannot determine what was in the minds of the parties realistically. This put other parties of the agreement at the peril of facing a miscarriage of justice. With regards to consideration, the amount that had been paid by Carmel is sufficient consideration and therefore he can enforce the promise in a court of law raising the above arguments. It is, however, advised that the rebuttable presumptions should not be entirely extinguished because it is most socially agreements that the parties will not likely end up in court incase of any failure to meet the obligations stated in the agreement. The onerous task sh ould be placed on the claimant asserting that there is an intention to be legally bound to rebut the presumptions that an intention to be bound existed in the social or domestic agreement. 1 (b). Issue The issue to be determined in this case whether there was an agreement between the parties for the contract to be enforceable and whether Carmelo is in a proper legal position to compel Derrick to give him the premium travel option. Rule The general rule is that for an agreement to be established there must be a consensus ad idem which is a meeting of the minds between parties entering into contract. The meeting of the minds will be evinced by an offer and a valid acceptance is communicated to the pother party to the agreement. The agreement can be said to have been settled once the other party is in acceptance to final terms that have been proposed and not during a counter offer. An offer has been defined in Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth[10] as a statement of expression of willingness to enter into a contractual agreement. It, however, begs the critical question on who made the offer in this case. Carmelo made an inquiry over the phone and asked Derrick if he can be booked fro the NBA final tour. Derrick replied with an offer which he communicated to Carmel. However, Carmel replied with an offer of a new price of 20000 pounds. It has been held in Hyde v Wrench[11] that when new terms are made by a party to a contract to an offer they cannot be deemed as an acceptance but rather a counter offer. Further, in the case where an offer and a counter-offer is made the situation is legally regarded as a battle of the forms I which case the last offer that is made and accepted wins the battle. It can thus be agreed that a valid offer in this case was made by Carmel. Acceptance must be communicated to the offeror in an effective manner.[12] It is of particular significance to note that the acceptance that was made by Derrick was communicated through email. The rules relating to acceptance by email state that an acceptance will be made when the email has been received.[13] This differs from the traditional position that has been taken by the postal rule that acceptance is deemed to have been made once the letter has been posted. It therefore follows that the acceptance was made when it was received by Derrick. Additionally, the general legal position is that the agreement is made the place where the acceptance has been received. The acceptance made must be clear and devoid any ambiguity. Essentially it must be one that will not trigger issues to do with interpretation in court. According Brambles Holdings v Bathurst City Council[14] the acceptance may also be implied. This means that acceptance may also be implied from the conduct of the parties w here they carry pout themselves in a manner that shows that they have accepted the terms and they are actually performing the contractual obligations already. It is also a rule of acceptance in contract law that acceptance must be made in relation to the offer that was made. In R v Clarke,[15] the plaintiff had stated in an interview that he was going to give information concerning the murder of two police officers to clear his name because he was under investigation. There was a reward that was to be given to any person who gave such evidence that will lead to the arrest of the real murderers. The plaintiff information led to the conviction the true murders. When he wanted to enforce the reward it was affirmed in court that the acceptance made to give the information was not in relation to the offer but to clear his name from any criminal suspicion. The acceptance that was made in the case of Derrick and Carmel was truly in response to the offer that had been made and therefore the acceptance can be said to be valid. Application Having demonstrated that there was a valid agreement which met the legal requirements of offer and acceptance it can be conceded that Carmelo can claim from the premium service that had been agreed on in the contract. In this case, Carmelo has a right to enforce the agreement as had been agreed. The fact that Derrick is offering a service that is poor implies that he is in breach of the contract that had been agreed between the two parties. In this case, it is advised to Derrick that may apply for damages where he will be awarded damages by the court fro the loss of the money without a service. In this case, he will be compensated an equal amount that he had paid to Derrick. Additionally, he may also be awarded punitive damages which are intended to punish the defendant fro breaching the contract. Apart from the punishment factor in the remedy, it is also intended to deter him from breaching another agreement in future. The court may award unliquidated damages for non-economic loss f actors such as pain and suffering if it is shown that Derrick suffered emotional distress and trauma from the loss of that great opportunity to tour the NBA finals. However, according to the Civil Liability Act 2002 a limit has been placed on the amount of money that can be awarded as damages for non-economic loss Lastly, Carmel may apply from the order of specific performance in court to compel Derrick to perform that which was his obligation in the agreement. This order will only be granted in circumstances where it is shown that damages will not adequately compensate the plaintiff. Conclusion It can be concluded that the requirement of an agreement has been established from the facts of the case in point because it has been demonstrated above that the requirement of offer and acceptance have been as required by law. In addition, the fact that that the parties, in this case, exercised their freedom of contract and engaged in offer and counter offer is sufficient evidence that the final price and terms agreed satisfied the requirement of an agreement. Having noted that there is a valid agreement it can also be concluded that Derrick can insist ion being given the premium accommodation and tour option because that was what he had bargained for. This promise can be legally enforced because all the essential elements required to form a valid and enforceable contract have been met. Most importantly it has been demonstrated that the parties had the intention to be legally bound by the terms that they had agreed on. Suffice to say; the failure to honor the promise in the agreed t erms by Derrick will attract a liability in breach of contract. References Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth (1954) 92 CLR 424 Brambles Holdings v Bathurst City Council (2001) 53 NSWLR 153 Brogden v Metropolitan Railway Company (1877) L.R. 2 App. Cas. 666 Coward v Motor Insurers Bureau [1962] 1 Lloyd's Rep 1 Chappel v Nestle [1960] AC 87 Coulls v Bagots Executor and Trustee Co Ltd (1967) 199 CLR 460 Currie v Misa (1875) LR 10 Ex 153 Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge Co Ltd [1915] UKHL 1 Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation [1955] EWCA Civ 3 Ermogenous v Greek Orthodox Community of SA Inc [2002] HCA 8 Hyde v Wrench (1840) 49 ER 132 Jones v Vernon's Pools Ltd. [1938] 2 All ER 626 R v Clarke (1927) 40 CLR 227 Thomas v Thomas 1842 2 QB 851 Todd v Nicol [1957] S.A.S.R. 72

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Keats And Longfellow Analysis Essay Example

Keats And Longfellow Analysis Paper When I Have Fears and Mezzo Caiman by John Keats and Henry Headwords Longfellow respectively, have similar themes such as the inevitability of death and the fear of living unfulfilled and inadequate lives. John Keats fears that he will live a life of inadequacy and fail to accomplish all of his dreams, but he understands that his goals are miniscule in the larger scope of life. Conversely, Longfellow maintains a morbid view of death and of the future itself, while Keats is more captivated by the human experience and despite his uncertainty about the future, feels that living is far more important than reaching his personal goals. The poems possess some commonalities, specifically in the beginning, where both complain about the temporary nature of life. Longfellow Half of my life is gone directly coordinates with Keats When I have fears that may cease to be. Both men fear that they will die before theyre able to accomplish their respective goals. Keats specifically fears that he will die Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, before he can get all of his thoughts onto paper and leave his mark on the world in a literary manner. Longfellow possesses a similar fear specifically that he has not fulfilled the aspiration of [his] youth and failed to build a tower of song with lofty parapet. Both men hope to leave some sort of lasting legacy on history but both understand that death is an inevitable fact of life and that time is running out for them to accomplish their goals. Neither man has accomplished all of his goals in life, whether it be Keats literary aspirations, or Longfellow wish to build a tower of song. However, both fear that the ultimate end will come too soon and put an end to their dreams. We will write a custom essay sample on Keats And Longfellow Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Keats And Longfellow Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Keats And Longfellow Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Despite both men fearing that death will come too soon for them, the apparent differences in their situations arise towards the middle of the poem. Specifically their experiences and views of love are expressly different. Longfellow has experienced times of passion and pleasure, but complains that the subsequent sorrow and care that it disabled him in the pursuit of his goals. Longfellow experiences of a love lost caused him great pain that slowed his progress towards his goals and ultimately adversely affected his life. However, Keats takes a different tone towards love. He views love as a beautiful and mysterious endeavor that he wishes to experience before his life ends. He feels that true love occurs With the magic hand of chance and finds it regrettable that he in unable to find true love. He thinks that his keen awareness of death will prevent him from being able to trace the huge cloudy symbols of high romance or prevent him from ever experiencing true love at all. Longfellow fear of death as well as his experiences in love keep him from completely accomplishing his goals, while Keats has lived an interesting and fulfilling life that he does not want to end, hence his fear of death. The end of the poems both show the conflicting attitudes towards life and death by using situations where the men can reflect on their lives and life in general. Both men walk to the edge of a geographical feature, Keats a shore, and Longfellow a hill overlooking a city. Keats looks forward to the future during his time resting on the shore and realizes that life is a grand endeavor, and a wide world exists outside the confines of his life. He realizes that his oils are unimportant on this grand scale and seems to find peace in this fact. Longfellow on the other hand, sees nothing but a vast city that symbolizes his past, and a cataract of Death thundering from the heights. Longfellow cannot move on from his past and henceforth cannot see any future for him at all, and will never achieve his aspirations. Keats on the other hand, realizes that he still has opportunity in his life and finds peace in the fact that he is still alive to achieve his goals, despite the realization that theyre not as significant as he once thought.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Neoclassical Literary Period Essays

Neoclassical Literary Period Essays Neoclassical Literary Period Essay Neoclassical Literary Period Essay Essay Topic: Candide Classical Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Neoclassical Literary Period The neoclassicism period may be viewed in three instances, each happening at a certain period, and these periods include the Augustan age, the enlightenment, and the age of Johnson. Poetry during Augustan age depended on the knowledge of the poet. Poets controlled their imagination, and they did not express their fantasies in their work. During the period, poets presented men as the master of all things and were at the top of all world creatures (Zgorzelski 7). Basho’s poem illustrates his journeys to different places. His ability to visit wherever he places and to survive the dangerous journey illustrates his dominion over nature. He presents man as a person who is capable of doing anything he wills. The neoclassical writers got their inspiration from classical literature, especially the Greek and Roman literature. The dependence on classic literature contributed to the conservative nature of the writers. Writers during this period believed that passion and emotions were not as powerful as the representation of social needs. They believed in the use of reason and establishment of rules. The belief in rules followed their conviction that there has to be some order in the universe (Golban 2). This followed their belief that writing was not a means of individual expression, but was rather for public purposes. Writing in the neoclassicism period was distinct from that of other periods. The authors wrote in a clearly ordered and unified way as they sought to create harmony. Harmony in writing was important as it signified sequence and a process of the way things should have been. This was important to the authors because it signified their preference for the literature of the classic period. Basho presents this sequence and order in his poem as he tells of his travels from one region of Japan to the other. This unity is reflected in Moliere’s Tartuffe, where he displayed the unity of space, time and action. All the events during the play happen in a day, and they all happen in a single location. The play has no subplots, thus creating unity of action. Voltaire describes the events in Candide’s life, beginning from his time in the baroness’s house to when he marries Cunegonde. The reader is able to follow all the details and events of his life. Order is a valued personal and societal commodity. Things are bound to go wrong and out of harmony when there is no order. Candide would not have experienced the suffering he endured, had he realized and accepted his place in society. The neoclassical authors valued their traditions, and this made them critical of any radical changes. Social hierarchy was essential, and the authors believed that people should accept their position in the society. In Candide, Voltaire showed how people would rather continue suffering when trying to maintain their social hierarchies. Although Cunegonde and her brother are no longer rich, they continue to act as though they belong to a higher social hierarchy, and they continue treating Candide as a low class member, although he is better and in a more privileged position than they are. This showed people’s willingness to maintain their traditions. Moliere shows some form of societal hierarchy through Dorine. Dorine reasons that it would not be wise for Tartuffe to marry Mariane, considering he does not have any money or property of his own. Orgon then makes a drastic decision regarding his wealth, and he decides that Tartuffe should have part of his wealth. Writers during this period believed people should develop goals that were realistic and should have a realistic perspective of life. Basho presents this same reality in his work, The Narrow Road to the Interior. He writes with a directness that enables the readers to form a direct connection of his subjects. Dorine, Orgon’s servant, is a representation of reality in Tartuffe. She has a clear perspective of all the things that are happening in the house. She is the first person to see Tartuffe’s hypocrisy, and she tries to warn her master about him. She admonishes Mariane for failing to oppose his decision concerning her intended marriage to Tartuffe. Dorine paints a clear and realistic picture of what marriage to Tartuffe would be like. Literature during this time showed an increasing use of logic while it did not condone superstition, since it did not present reality. Instead, there was an emphasis on scientific discovery and rational thought. The literature showed the people’s beliefs in the use of logic as a way of advancing knowledge and transforming and improving their society. The people applied their reason even in religion, and there was less emphasis on revelation as far as religion was concerned. Thus, although the people were to a certain extent religious, they did not tend to believe in the supernatural, and many of them saw religious beliefs and practices as a way of life. Moliere shows this in Tartuffe, where Tartuffe suggests that even though adultery is against God’s will, there is a way that they can receive God’s grace even if they enjoyed their pleasures. By pretending to be a holy man, and proposing adultery, Tartuffe is no longer afraid of God or the religious consequences h e would face. He reasoned that people were no longer bound to religion, as they were in previous years. The fear of religion kept some people from openly engaging in sin, but Tartuffe did not seem to care about this. People believed that they could discover all things and understand everything through reason. Although Candide is an optimist who believes in God, he suffers great misfortunes, and this leads him to reason and conclude that God is not as compassionate as he had previously thought. Voltaire uses different misfortunes throughout the novel to show that contrary to the optimist beliefs at the time, God does not create the best of all possible worlds (Hersberger 2). Basho does not separate religion from his life in his poetry. Religion is not some extraordinary phenomena to him, and it is part of his daily life experience. He exercises his religious beliefs and practices as he goes on with his life. Voltaire shows the importance of reason by showing the absurdity of Pangloss’ beliefs. Pangloss has strange explanations for all the things that are happening. He, at one time, suggests that it was necessary for syphilis to come to Europe so that the Europeans would enjoy the benefits a nd joys of chocolate. At another time, he tells Candide not to save Jacques from drowning because the bay of Lisbon exists for that very purpose. Such beliefs show a lack of reasoning, and they end up leaving them in trouble. Candide only has a realistic and practical perspective of issues once he rejects the philosophies passed on to him by Pangloss. The use of satire was prevalent during this time as the authors used it to ridicule those who did not behave according to the societal expectations of them. The writers used satire as a way of controlling passions, as they urged people to restrain themselves. The use of satire was to illustrate an opposition to tradition and to reason. True to the character of neoclassicism, the authors believed in representing the truth as it has always been, and many of them found satire a good way of doing so. Moliere satirizes the character of Orgon, who despite being wealthy, is foolish enough to believe Tartuffe’s ideas and he even makes him heir to his property. He gives almost everything he owns, including his daughter, and even that which he does not own, such as the secret documents to Tartuffe. Dorine shows the extent to which Tartuffe has managed to blind Orgon, such that Orgon is no longer concerned about his wife. Instead, he seems to be more concerned about Tartuffe who is doing well in his house, instead of the reports he is getting of his sick wife. Orgon does not seem to have any words to describe Tartuffe, other than the fact that he is a religious man. Satire is evident in Voltaire’s work, Candide. He uses humor to criticize the government, society, and religion. Voltaire also satirizes the human philosophy, which encourages people to have an optimistic view of all things. Once seen as the wisest of all philosophers, different events happen, which lead Candide to dispel this notion concerning Pangloss. Voltaire describes some of Pangloss beliefs, which makes one question the wisdom of his thinking. The society is crucial to the writers, and this is especially characterized in the neoclassical period. The writers regarded themselves as part of the society, and this meant exposing the ills in the society. They are concerned with whatever is happening to people. They are especially concerned with the actions of those in power, especially the government and the church, which at this time had significant influence in people’s lives. They are also concerned with people’s actions, and individuals’ contribution to the degrading of the society through their actions. They showed how the society could sometimes portray varying degrees of corruption and foolishness. Moliere did that when he exposed the religious hypocrisy and people’s willingness to believe anyone who said he was religious. Tartuffe represents the people in society who are willing to do anything for the sake of wealth, and who have no shame in their actions. Voltaire exposes religious hypocrisy throughout the novel. He writes about the daughter of a pope. This is an unusual occurrence, considering that the pope is the head of the Catholic Church, and all priests are celibate. He also writes about different individuals, such as the Franciscan friar, whose greed for wealth has led to him becoming a jewel thief and another who sleeps with a prostitute. Ordinarily, this would not raise as much objection and speculation, but in this case, such an act shows a high level of hypocrisy because the members belonging to the Franciscan order have to take a vow of poverty. Candied and Pangloss suffer under the hands of religious leaders. They are persecuted, yet they have not done anything wrong. The neoclassical literary period was an interesting period because it was a mixture of the old and the new. Writers during this period used the classical writers as their models. They were conservative in their writing in the sense that they wanted to maintain the social order and hierarchy in the system, and they were critical of radical change. At the same time, they exposed the ills that plagued the society. The writers used satire in their writing, and this enabled them to address serious concerns. Society was crucial to them, and they addressed different issues that the people faced. The writers used logic and reason, and they were more realistic, hence they avoided writing about fantasy and superstition. They exposed religious hypocrisy in different forms, and they exposed the weaknesses of the government. Golban, Petru. Transitional Phenomena in the 18th Century English Literature. http://sbe.dumlupinar.edu.tr/13/187-194.pdf Hersberger, Eli. Candide and Religion. October 2005. Web. June 21, 2013. http://users.manchester.edu/Student/EJHersberger/MyPage2/Candide.pdf Pearson, Roger. Voltaire Candide and other Stories. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. http://m.friendfeed-media.com/0d4ce81817b2c41244d8445631e8f04c7e3a8d23 Tokareva, Galina. Ways to Express the Moment of Enlightenment (satori) in Classical Japanese Hokku Poetry. http://aitmatov-academy.org.uk/references/doc/conference_2013_web.pdf#page=26 Zgorzelski, A. Sinko. General View of Neoclassicism. The Augustan Age (1700-1740). http://anglistika.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/british-literature-augustan-age-pre-romanticism.pdf

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biography of Aristotle Onassis

Biography of Aristotle Onassis Aristotle Onassis was a Greek shipping magnate and a wealthy international celebrity. His fame increased enormously in October 1968 when he married Jacqueline Kennedy, the widow of the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy. The marriage sent shockwaves through American culture. Onassis and his new wife, dubbed Jackie O by the tabloid press, became familiar figures in the news. Fast Facts: Aristotle Onassis Nickname: The Golden GreekOccupation: Shipping magnateKnown For: His marriage to former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and his ownership of the largest privately-owned shipping fleet in the world (which made him one of the richest men in the world).Born: January 15, 1906 in Smyrna (present day Izmir), TurkeyDied: March 15, 1975 in Paris, France.Parents: Socrates Onassis, Penelope DologouEducation: Evangelical School of Smyrna (high school); no college educationSpouse(s): Athina Livanos, Jacqueline KennedyChildren: Alexander Onassis, Christina Onassis Early Life Aristotle Onassis was born January 15, 1906 in Smyrna, a port in Turkey that had a substantial Greek population. His father, Socrates Onassis, was a prosperous tobacco merchant. Young Aristotle was not a good student, and in his early teens he left school and began working in his fathers office. In 1919, Greek forces invaded and occupied Smyrna. The Onassis family fortunes suffered greatly when Turkish forces invaded in 1922, taking back the town and persecuting Greek residents. Onassiss father was jailed, accused of conspiring with the Greeks who had occupied the region. Aristotle managed to help other family members to escape to Greece, smuggling the familys funds by taping money to his body. His father was released from prison and rejoined the family in Greece. Tensions in the family drove Aristotle away, and he sailed to Argentina. Early Career in Argentina With savings equivalent to $250, Onassis arrived in Buenos Aires and began working at a series of menial jobs. At one point, he landed a job as a telephone operator, and he spent his night shifts improving his English by listening in on calls to New York and London. According to legend, he also overheard information about business deals which enabled him to make timely investments. He began to appreciate that information obtained at the right time could have enormous value. After repairing his relationship with his father, Onassis partnered with him to import tobacco into Argentina. He was soon very successful, and by the early 1930s he was prominent in the Greek expatriate business community in Buenos Aires. The Golden Greek Becomes a Shipping Magnate Seeking to move beyond being an importer, Onassis began to learn about the shipping business. While on a visit to London during the Great Depression, he obtained potentially valuable information: rumors that Canadian freighters were being sold by a troubled shipping company. Onassis bought six of the ships for $20,000 each. His new company, Olympic Maritime, began moving goods across the Atlantic and prospered in the late 1930s. The outbreak of World War II threatened to destroy Onassis growing business. Some of his ships were seized in ports in Europe. Yet Onassis, after safely sailing from London to New York, managed to negotiate to get his fleet back under his control. For most of the war, Onassis leased ships to the U.S. government, which used them to transport vast quantities of war supplies around the globe. When the war ended, Onassis was set up for success. He purchased more ships cheaply as war surplus, and his shipping business grew quickly. At the end of 1946, Onassis married Athina Tina Livanos, with whom he had two children. Tina Livanos was the daughter of Stavors Livanos, another wealthy Greek shipping magnate. Onassis marriage into the Livanos family increased his influence in the business at a critical time. In the postwar era, Onassis assembled one of the largest merchant fleets in the world. He built massive oil tankers which roamed the oceans. He encountered legal problems with the U.S. government over the registration of his vessels, as well as over a controversy about his visa paperwork (which was rooted in conflicting information about his declared birthplace when he had first emigrated to Argentina). Onassis eventually settled his legal problems (at one point paying a $7 million settlement) and by the mid-1950s his business success had earned him the nickname The Golden Greek. Marriage to Jackie Kennedy Onassis marriage to Tina Livano came apart in the 1950s when Onassis began an affair with opera star Maria Callas. They divorced in 1960. Soon after, Onassis became friendly with Jacqueline Kennedy, whom he met through her socialite sister Lee Radziwill. In 1963, Onassis invited Mrs. Kennedy and her sister for a cruise in the Aegean Sea aboard his lavish yacht, the Christina. Onassis remained friends with Jacqueline Kennedy following the death of her husband, and began courting her at some point. Rumors swirled about their relationship, yet it was startling when, on October 18, 1968, the New York Times published the front-page headline, Mrs. John F. Kennedy to Wed Onassis. Aristotle Onassis and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in a limousine. Getty Images Mrs. Kennedy and her two children flew to Greece and she and Onassis were married on his private island, Skorpios, on Sunday, October 20, 1968. The marriage became something of a scandal in the American press because Mrs. Kennedy, a Roman Catholic, was marrying a divorced man. The controversy faded a bit within days when the Catholic archbishop of Boston defended the marriage on the front page of the New York Times. The Onassis marriage was an object of enormous fascination. Paparazzi trailed them wherever they traveled, and speculation about their marriage was standard fare in gossip columns. The Onassis marriage helped define an era of jet-setting celebrity lifestyle, complete with yachts, private islands, and travel between New York, Paris, and the isle of Skorpios. Later Years and Death In 1973, Onassis son Alexander died tragically in a plane crash. The loss devastated Onassis. He had anticipated his son taking over his business empire. After his sons death, he seemed to lose interest in his work, and his health began to fail. In 1974, he was diagnosed with a debilitating muscular disease. He died on March 15, 1975, after being hospitalized in Paris. When Onassis died in 1975, at the age of 69, the press estimated his wealth at $500 million. He was one of the richest men in the world. Legacy Onassis rise to the pinnacle of fame and wealth was unlikely. He was born to a merchant family that lost everything in the aftermath of World War I. After relocating from Greece to Argentina as a virtual refugee, Onassis managed to enter the tobacco importing business and by the age of 25 had become a millionaire. Onassis eventually branched out into owning ships, and his business sense led him to revolutionize the shipping business. As his wealth increased, he also became known for dating beautiful women, ranging from Hollywood actresses in the 1940s to the famed opera soprano Maria Callas in the late 1950s. Today, he is perhaps most well-known for his marriage to Jackie Kennedy. Sources Onassis, Aristotle. Encyclopedia of World Biography, edited by Andrea Henderson, 2nd ed., vol. 24, Gale, 2005, pp. 286-288. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Passty, Benjamin. Onassis, Aristotle 1906–1975. History of World Trade Since 1450, edited by John J. McCusker, vol. 2, Macmillan Reference USA, 2006, p. 543. Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Research - Assignment Example Research findings, clinical knowledge, knowledge resulting from basic science as well as opinion from expert are all regarded as â€Å"evidence† (Drake and Goldman 32). Practices that are based on research findings, however, have high chances of resulting into outcomes that match the desires of patients across different settings as well as geographic locations. The challenge for evidence based practice is caused by the pressure from health care facility due to containment of cost, larger availability of information, greater sway of consumer regarding care and treatment options. This kind of practice demands some changes in students’ education, more research which is practice-relevant, and a working relationship between researchers and clinicians (Drake and Goldman 38). Evidence-based form of practice also brings an opportunity for nursing care to be more effective, more individualized, dynamic, streamlined and opportunities to maximize clinical judgment effects. When there is reliance on evidence in defining best practices but not for supporting practices that exist, then nursing care is said to be keeping pace with recent technological changes and benefits from developments of new knowledge (Drake and Goldman 49). Although many young professionals have embraced this new approach, it has come with its challenges. A number of researc h studies have indicated that perception of nurses towards EBP is positive and they regard it useful to better care of patients. This research will critically analyze the barriers towards full acceptance of EBP. This will be a descriptive research design. Qualitative research does not, by definition, aim to precisely estimate population parameters or test hypotheses. However, most qualitative projects do attempt. This design was identified as the most convenient and ensured that the data obtained gave answers to the research questions. Descriptive design also offers the opportunity for a logical structure of the inquiry into

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

BUS DB4 opening of a presentation is crucial Essay

BUS DB4 opening of a presentation is crucial - Essay Example Objectives should be established from the start.Bring out your personality in the presentation. Make it your own, do not imitate others. When you believe in a topic or concept it is easier to present and also to live by. Maintaining a good balance and keep it interactive will get your opening message across effectively. AIDS presentation: opening was not effective and why Non effective way of opening and presentation: 1. The audience is seated and waiting as the speaker comes rushing in a total frenzy. 2. Does not apologies for being late. 3. Takes at least 10 minutes to get organized. 4. After introducing himself he says "Today you are going to learn all you need to know to protect yourself against HIV infection" a. For the first 15 minutes he waffled on and on, giving statistics and showing overheads about the distribution of the spread of HIV. 5. Then in a "goofy" voice said that condoms should be burned as it just promotes promiscuity. 6. Upon closing he opened the floor for questions, but only answered 4 questions and then said "OK that is it; I hope you all have an HIV free life. Remember true love waits!!" Reasons why Opening and Presentation was ineffective 1. Not prepared 2. Had not done research as to who his audience was going to be relevant to them. 3. Had no idea on how to address teenagers. 4. Had no interaction with the audience. 5. His Opening was only Statistics. 6. He gave information that was totally misleading. 7. There was minimal room for questions. 8. It was more a one-sided opinionated sermon Reference(s) Mary Munter, COPYRIGHT 1998 Meeting Technology: From Low-Tech to High-Tech. Contributors: - author....For example, an Aids presentation to a group of Teenagers, it is essential to touch on basic topics such as self-esteem, peer pressure, social myths, etc. Beginning immediately with statistics and charts you will immediately lose their attention. This can be observed in their body language, i.e. fidgeting, drawing, no eye contact, etc. If you open the presentation with an introduction, statement, story or an interactive game, you will retain the audience throughout the presentation. An interactive game can be used to demonstrate how the HIV virus is spreads instead of just verbally giving facts. High-Tech. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: Business Communication Quarterly. Volume: 61. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 1998. Page Number: 80+. COPYRIGHT 1998 Association for Business Communication; COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group

Saturday, November 16, 2019

British Government Essay Example for Free

British Government Essay Evaluate different methods of estimating the current extinction rate. Do you think that humans will induce a mass extinction on the same scale as the Big Five? Introduction: There is consensus in the scientific community that the current massive degradation of habitat and extinction of many of the Earths biota is unprecedented and is taking place on a catastrophically short timescale. Based on extinction rates estimated to be thousands of times the background rate, figures approaching 30% extermination of all species by the mid 21st century are not unrealistic, an event comparable to some of the catastrophic mass extinction events of the past. The current rate of rainforest destruction poses a profound threat to species diversity. Likewise, the degradation of the marine ecosystems is directly evident through the denudation of species that were once dominant and integral to such ecosystems. Indeed, this colloquium is framed by a view that if the current global extinction event is of the magnitude that seems to be well indicated by the data at hand, then its effects will fundamentally reset the future evolution of the planets biota. Robert Whittaker recognized an additional kingdom for the Fungi. The resulting five-kingdom system, proposed in 1969, has become a popular standard and with some refinement is still used in many works, or forms the basis for newer multi-kingdom systems. It is based mainly on differences in nutrition: his Plantae were mostly multicellular autotrophs, his Animalia multicellular, heterotrophs and his Fungi multicellular saprotrophs. The remaining two kingdoms, Protista and Monera, included unicellular and simple cellular colonies. Extinction rates in the fossil records: The time at which an organism is classified as becoming extinct is when the youngest fossil of its form is found. It is likely that there would have been later examples of the organism present, which were simply not preserved. It is known that some genera have existed for long periods around this time without leaving any known fossil record by the phenomena of Lazarus taxa. It is believed that these organisms were simply not preserved during the time they are missing, or preserved in offshore sediments as yet undiscovered. This may also be the case with many other organisms creating the illusion they are becoming extinct before they are in reality. Ecological Evolutionary Factor affecting the past extinction: Many claim that human activity caused a large scale of plants and animals extinction. The others claim that human caused extinctions are on a similar scale to those that occurred 65 million years ago at the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary eras when most species perished including the dinosaurs. This causes two distinct worries: (1) The loss of species will harm humans (2) Quite apart from any harm to humans; there is a duty to prevent ecocide. According to Peter Raven (National Academy of Science) â€Å"We are confronting an episode of species extinction greater than anything the world has experienced for the past 65 million years. Of all the global problems that confront us, this is the one that is moving the most rapidly and the one that will have the most serious consequences. And, unlike other global ecological problems, it is completely irreversible. † Different people evaluate this duty differently. Since the purpose of these pages is establish the sustainability of material progress, Ill take the view that although biodiversity is an important amenity, we are mainly concerned with the extent to which losses of diversity are a threat to human progress. One interesting fact in the article concerns the effect of an increase in temperature on the north-south range of a plant species, especially of trees. It turns out that the northern limit of a species is determined by temperature. As that limit is approached the rate of growth goes to zero. However, the rate of growth of a species does not decline as it approaches the southern limit of its range but remains stable or even increases. What determines a species’ southern boundary is competition from other species that require high temperatures. For this reason the southern boundary of a species is likely to change slowly as its territory is gradually invaded by species liking warm temperature. The invasion is likely to begin in gaps caused by logging and various kinds of die-off. According to Lord Robert May (FRS)-Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Government. â€Å"Hardly a day passes without one being told that tropical deforestation is extinguishing roughly one species every hour, or maybe even one every minute. Such guesstimates are based on approximate species-area relations, along with assessments of current rates of deforestation and guesses at the global total number of species (which range from 5 to 80 million or more. ) While such figures arguably have a purpose in capturing public attention, there is a clear and increasing need for better estimates of impending rates of extinction, based on a keener understanding of extinction rates in the recent and far past, and on the underlying ecological and evolutionary causes. † Scientists who worry about extinctions often agree that the world will reach a new equilibrium as temperature increases assuming it does. However, they worry that the rate of increase of temperature is unprecedented and that species, especially of plants, will migrate northward too slowly and become extinct. Roughly 43 percent of the earth’s terrestrial vegetated surface has diminished capacity to supply benefit to humanity because of the recent, direct impacts of the land use. This represents 10 percent reduction in potential direct instrumental value (PDIV), defined as the potential to yield direct benefits such as agricultural, forestry, industrial and medical products. Capitalizing on the natural recovery mechanisms is urgently needed to prevent further irreversible degradation and to retain the multiple values of productive land. Differences in extinction rates among groups: Estimated Future extinction rates from the species area relations: A better way of studying rates of complete biota extinction levels has been developed with the analysis of isotopic ratios of Carbon. When life is abundant there is almost completely carbon-12 within the geological record. Enzymes within organisms, passing into organic matter faster, more efficiently accept this isotope, which becomes lithified into rock. At times of lowered biotic activity, such as at an extinction event when a lot of life has been killed, the ratio of carbon-13 within the rocks will be higher as a higher proportion of carbon will be being fixed as carbonates inorganically. Inorganic precipitation of carbon does not differentiate between the different isotopes of carbon as life does. By analyses of carbon isotope ratios it is then possible to see, by peaks in the carbon-13, at what times there has been a reduction of biotic activity. This is independent of whether organisms present are being preserved or not, and shows at what rates the extinction is occurring. Estimated future extinction rates from IUCN red Lists: Recent extinction rates are 100 to 1000 times their pre-human levels well known, but taxonomically diverse groups from widely different environments. If all species currently deemed threatened become extinct in the next century, then the future extinction rates will be 10 times recent rates. Although new technology provides details on habitat losses, estimates of future extinctions are hampered by our limited knowledge of which areas are rich in endemics. The 2004 IUCN Red List contains 15,589 species threatened with extinction. The assessment includes species from a broad range of taxonomic groups including vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and fungi. However, this figure is an underestimate of the total number of threatened species as it is based on an assessment of less than 3% of the world’s 1. 9 million described species. Among major species groups, the percentage of threatened species ranges between 12% and 52%. The IUCN Red List identifies 12% of birds as threatened, 23% of mammals, and 32% of amphibians. Although reptiles have not been completely assessed, the turtles and tortoises are relatively well reviewed with 42% threatened. Fishes are also poorly represented, but roughly a third of sharks, rays and chimaeras have been assessed and 18% of this group is threatened. Regional case studies on freshwater fishes indicate that these species might be more threatened than marine species. For example, 27% of the freshwater species assessed in Eastern Africa were listed as threatened. Of plants, only conifers and cycads have been completely assessed with 25% and 52% threatened respectively. References: Robert M. May, John H. Lawton and Nigel E. Stork. â€Å" Assessing Extinction Rates† â€Å"Extinction Rate Analysis† http://palaeo. gly. bris. ac. uk/Palaeofiles/Permian/rateanalysis. html â€Å"Restoring the value to the worlds degraded Lands† Gretchen C. Daily â€Å"The future of biodiversity â€Å" Stuart L. Pimm, Gareth j. Russell, John L. Gittleman ,Thomas M. Brook â€Å"IUCN Red List of Threatened Species†http://www. iucn. org/themes/ssc/red_list_2004/GSAexecsumm_EN. htm References: IUCN 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3. 1. IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, pp. ii+30. Parr C. S. and Cummings M. P. 2005. Data sharing in ecology and evolution. Trends Ecol. Evol. 20: 362–363. Purvis A. and Rambaut A. 1995. Comparative analysis by independent contrasts (CAIC): an Apple Macintosh application for analysing comparative data. Comput. Appl. Biosci. 11: 247–251. Sherwood, Keith and Craig Idso (2003) â€Å"The Specter of Species Extinction Will Global Warming Decimate Earths Biosphere? † 2003 September John Lawton and Robert May â€Å"BIODIVERSITY AND EXTINCTION RATES† 17-May-2004) www-formal. stanford. edu/jmc/progress/biodiversity. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jurassic Park :: essays research papers

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton is a riveting piece of science fiction. Most of the story takes place on an island off the Pacific side of Costa Rica. A deciduous rain forest inhabits most of the island. An eccentric old man named John Hammond leases the whole island to create a frightening dinosaur amusement park, using real dinosaurs. Within this jungle setting, Michael Crichton’s engrossing, believable characters bring the story to life with quick action, intense dialogue and scientific questions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Hammond’s amusement park is dedicated to making live dinosaur specimens available to view to the paying public by genetically splicing prehistoric DNA. To test out his park and prove to investors it is safe and real, he invites two paleontologists, Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler, his two grandchildren, Tim and Lex, and a mathematician, Ian Malcolm. While the guests are on a tour of the dinosaurs, a greedy self, obsessed computer programmer named Dennis Nedry shuts the security and power off using a trap door he built into his computer code, in order to steal valuable embryos of the dinosaurs in the park. While trying to flee from the park to deliver the embryos to a competing genetics company, Nedry comes across a few dilophosaurs, who have escaped, because along with security, the electric fences (to harbor the animals) has been shut off. The dilophosaurs leisurely kill Nedry by first spitting him in the eye with poisonous spit to make him blind, and th en devouring him. Meanwhile, the guests are attacked by an escaped tyrannosaur. Throughout the last half of the book, Hammond and his assistants try to re-establish electric power, while Grant and Hammond’s two grandchildren fight and outsmart dinosaurs to make it back to the main headquarters. In the end, Hammond dies from a dinosaur attack, along with seven other island visitors. His employees and guests are taken in to Costa Rican custody. A herd of velociraptors escapes from the island and the Costa Rican government kills the remaining dinosaurs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alan Grant is a very important character for the story. He is a paleontologist that shows three strong good qualities during his journey back to the control room., which are that he is a problem solver, an intelligent person and caring individual. Grant is in his mid-forties. He is an outdoor oriented person, wearing tennis shoes and jeans, even when teaching at universities. One of his qualities is that he is a problem solver.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Beyonce Giselle Knowles

Who is this fierce hip hop diva that rocks the stage with her amazing danging and singing skills? Who is this singer? She is not only a singer, but she is also a song writer, record producer, actress, and model who was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Who is she? Beyonce Giselle Knowles. Beyonce is one of the best and most successful singer and actress in Hollywood. If noticed she is not one of these famous people that attract a lot of drama. The main reason this is that she was raised with a good, strong family. She was lucky in the sense of that her family were wealthy. It came pretty easy for Beyonce to start the pop group Destiny's Child, but it is how she was raised that has ultimately contributed to her success and in her ability to make smart decisions that has led her to excel as a performing artist. Her mother thought of her to be a shy girl. She overcame her shyness and wanted to become a singer and performer once she had a moment on stage. Beyonce started out in a vocalist pop group called Destiny's Child. It was a group formed in 1990. The original members were Beyonce Knowles and LaTavia Roberson. They were just nine years old when the two met at an audition and became friends. Beyonce's father Matthew Knowles, set about developing an act based on the girls' singing and rapping under the name GirlTyme. Kelly Rowland joined the group on 1992 then LeToya Lucket joined in 1993. They spent the next couple of years working their way up to the Houston Club scene. They eventually performed opening acts for famous R&B artists like SWV, Dru Hill, and Immature. Later, in 1997 Destiny's Child was offered a recording contract by Columbia Records. After the fifth Grammy nomination at the 2001 award show LeToya and LaTavia left the group because of management struggles. However, shortly afterwards, Michelle Williams joined the group and they took two awards at the Grammy's as the Best R&B Sing and Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group. After all this success, the three talented performers decided to try their hands at solo careers before investing their time in another Destiny's Child album. Beyonce, who was the lead singer of the group, captured the spotlight with her sex appeal and strong vocals. In fact, before her first album was organized, she had a hit in 2003 with Jay-Z called â€Å"Bonnie and Clyde,† and was in a movie with Mike Myers in Austin Powers in Goldmember. This shows that she is able to make her own decisions. She was already getting famous for acting as well as singling on her own. This just prepared the fans for what was to come with her hit single, Dangerously In Love, that came out June 2003. [2] Beyonce becoming single opened amy doors for her. Today she is the third most honored woman in Grammy history with a total of 145 awards and 200 nominations. She was nominated and won the Black Reel Awards in 2003, 2004 2007 and 2008 as Best Breakthrough Performance, Best Original or Adapted Song and Best Actress. She got nominated on the MTV Movie Awards of 2003 for Austin Powers in Gold Member for the Best Breakthrough Performance and again in 2006 for The Pink Panther for the Sexiest Performance. In 2007, she was nominated for the movie Dreamgirls for Best Performance and in 2010 she received a nomination for the movie Obsessed for the Best Fight. Beyonce spend most of her time on her career instead of fooling around. She really wanted to accomplish her goal of being a famous singer, and she did. [3] Beyonce is fun and fearless performer in addition to being a multiple Grammy award winner with winning five Grammy's in one year. As such an important celebrity people would expect her to show extreme behaviors like other celebrities. For example doing drugs, going out every night partying, drama, and problems. She keeps everything thing on the down low with her personal life. However, in her private life she shows that she is always in control. People will never see Beyonce go crazy. Why? What makes her so different from other celebrities? Beyonce was asked in Webceleb Magazine â€Å"What keeps you balanced? † She responded, â€Å"My balance comes from my family. I have reality around me, and they tell me when I need to calm down, take it down a couple notches. Then they tell me when I do something good. I think what celebrities lose is that they lose touch with reality. † What she means about this quote is that she is surrounded by level headed people all the time. They take care of her and make sure she does not do anything out of control. [4] Beyonce Giselle Knowles a smart independent woman making right decisions by the help of her family.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

By the Way and Mother

It is often said that life is about dreaming, and hoping and learning. As a child, I dreamed of only one thing – to be successful in everything- to be successful in everything I do to make everyone proud of me, especially my mother. But later I realized that I, just like most children, do not have to do anything to win my mother’s heart. Back in 70’s my father was diagnosed with lung cancer resulting in a very difficult, prolonged treatment that did not save him, after all.This was a cruel blow to our family, especially to my mother who has understandably at a loss, left with nine children to raise all by herself. She was young at 39 when she was widowed but she never entertained the thought of marrying again because she wanted to give her children her undivided attention. Now we are professionals in our own field but we know we can never repay our mother’s for all that she has done for us to be where we are now.Words will never be enough to honor a hero l ike my mother whose silent, endearing ways have given us the best of life, peace, joy, love and the security of knowing that even if we should fall in any way at any time again and again, she would always be by our side to be what she has always been to us- our certainty is the most uncertain times; the true hero who knows how to live her life to the fullest by doing the supreme sacrifice of living for her children. Even now at 68, she still amazes me by the way she manages the great and minute details of motherhood.Whenever I feel some doubts about my worth before God, I only have to think of how worthy I am to my mother according to the way she accepts me even if I had done something wrong. Yes, through my mother I know there is God. Thank you mama- for being all too human. You have led us to discovering that which is divine! And as a true hero you have freed us from the tyranny of ignorance by educating us beyond the corners of a formal school, for even in the comfort in our home you have always served as the light of our lives.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Charles Babbage essays

Charles Babbage essays Charles Babbage is often called the "father of computing" because of his invention of the Analytical Engine. However, many people do not know the details of this very important mans life. Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1792, just about that same time that the industrial revolution was beginning. He was born in Teignmouth, Devon shire. Although not much is really known about his childhood, it is known that he had many brothers and sisters, but many of them died before adulthood. It is also known that Babbage never really played with his toys, instead, he would dissect them. When Babbage grew up he attended many new schools. He ended up at Forty Hill, where he was famous for mischief but for some reason or another Babbage still studied. He did bad things like carved his name in his desks, violated his curfew, and insult the minister's sermons. He still found time to wake up with a friend at three in the morning and study in the library until five-thirty. Frederick Marryat, Babbages roommate and a future novelist, joined his morning study group. When Marryat began to attend regularly he started to bring more and more friends. And the once study group now became wild parties that were eventually broken up by the schools head master. After both Marryat and Babbage had become famous they loved to tell how they were deemed the two students most likely never to amount to anything. Babbage created his first invention, a type of shoes make of books that helped one walk on water, at his fathers summer home. This idea was good, but it didnt work, because he would weave too much from side to side and eventually fall over. It is told that in 1810, at the age of nineteen, Babbage went up to Trinity College, Cambridge with some friends. Babbage studied grammar, literature, and many other important lessons, but he found his obsession to be mathematics. He read many books on the subject. Bab...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Distinguishing Between Hardwood and Softwood Trees

Distinguishing Between Hardwood and Softwood Trees The terms hardwood and softwood are widely used in the construction industry and among woodworkers to distinguish between species with wood regarded as hard and durable and those that are considered soft and easily shaped. And while this is generally true, it is not an absolute rule. Distinctions Between Hardwood and Softwood In reality, the technical distinction has to do with the reproductive biology of the species. Informally, trees categorized as hardwoods are usually deciduous - meaning they lose their leaves in the autumn. Softwoods are conifers, which have needles rather than traditional leaves  and retain them through the winter. And while generally speaking the average hardwood is a good deal harder and more durable than the average softwood, there are examples of deciduous hardwoods that are much softer than the hardest softwoods. An example is balsa, a hardwood that is quite soft when compared to the wood from yew trees, which is quite durable and hard. Really, though, the technical distinction between hardwoods and softwoods has to do with their methods for reproducing. Lets look at hardwoods and softwoods one at a time.   Hardwood Trees and Their Wood Definition and Taxonomy:  Hardwoods are woody-fleshed plant species that are angiosperms (the seeds are enclosed in ovary structures). This might be a fruit, such as an apple, or a hard shell, such as an acorn or  hickory nut.  These plants also are not monocots (the seeds have more than one rudimentary leaf as they sprout). The woody stems in hardwoods have vascular tubes that transport water through the wood; these appear as pores when wood is viewed under magnification in cross-section.  These same pores create a wood grain pattern, which increases the woods density and workability.Uses: Timber from hardwood species is most commonly used in furniture, flooring, wood moldings, and fine veneers.  Common species examples: Oak, maple, birch, walnut, beech, hickory, mahogany, balsa, teak, and alder.Density: Hardwoods are generally denser and heavier than softwoods.  Cost: Varies widely, but typically more expensive than softwoods.Growth rate: Varies, but all grow more slowl y than softwoods, a major reason why they are more expensive. Leaf structure: Most hardwoods have broad, flat leaves that shed over a period of time in the fall. Softwood Trees and Their Wood Definition and Taxonomy:  Softwoods, on the other hand, are  gymnosperms  (conifers) with naked seeds not contained by a fruit or nut. Pines,  firs, and spruces, which grow seeds in cones, fall into this category. In conifers, seeds are released into the wind once they mature. This spreads the plants seed over a wide area, which gives an early advantage over many hardwood species.Softwoods do not have pores but instead have linear tubes called tracheids that provide nutrients for growth. These tracheids do the same thing as hardwood pores - they transport water and produce sap that protects from pest invasion and provides the essential elements for tree growth.Uses: Softwoods are most often used in dimension lumber for construction framing, pulpwood for paper, and sheet goods, including particleboard,  plywood, and fiberboard.Species examples: Cedar, Douglas fir, juniper, pine, redwood, spruce, and yew.Density: Softwoods are typically lighter in weight and less dense than hardwoods.Cost: Most species are considerably less expensive than hardwoods, making them the clear favorite for any structural application where the wood will not be seen. Growth rate: Softwoods are fast-growing as compared to most hardwoods, one reason why they are less expensive.Leaf structure: With rare exceptions, softwoods are conifers with needle-like leaves that remain on the tree year-round, though they are gradually shed as they age. In most cases, a softwood conifer completes a changeover of all its needles every two years.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Comparing two university websites in terms of e-HRM Research Paper

Comparing two university websites in terms of e-HRM - Research Paper Example This is a research project proposal that will use the different views and theories on electronic Human Resource Management and human resource at large. They will be used to compare the employed systems in two universities. The two universities for comparison are Zayed and Texas. The project will review current empirical work on electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) and explain some consequences for future research work. With reference to definitions and previous framework, the project will analyze the incorporated theories, the empirical methodologies, the chosen analytical levels, the discussed topics and findings. The project will show a previous entity of work from different studies, majorly non-theoretical work, employing a variety of empirical methodologies, and having reference from many analytical levels and will diversify the core topics of e-HRM. The project will discuss some previous theoretical, methodological, and topical consequences in order to enhance future research on electronic Human Resource Management (Strohmeier, 19-37). With appropriate reference upon various literatures, an e-HRM research model is developed and, with the model’s guide, the two universities to be compared that are already practicing e-HRM for a significant period. The project will take 14 weeks. The first 9 weeks will be for the preparation of the proposal and collection of all the relevant resources for the project. From the 10th week, there will be an oral presentation and a written paper on the same. Human resource (HR) can guarantee an upper hand in organizational competition because of its valuation, rareness, imperfectly imitable with no substitutes. Organizations in competition can copy competitive advantage gained through better technology, strategies and services, but it is a challenge to copy competitive advantage gained through improved management of the labor force (Balgobind, 2012). The project will try to prove that the goals of e-HRM are to